
The Jet Card Haircut Calculator enables you to rationalize your losses

How much would you lose if your jet card provider failed tomorrow? Do you have orphan funds? Our Jet Card Haircut Cost Calculator can’t help with the lost money, but you may find that you came out in better shape than you thought.

While jet card failures don’t happen regularly, they do happen.

Chances are you will be an unsecured creditor if there is a bankruptcy and may end up with cents on the dollar.

At the same time, you may have orphan funds that can only be used if you renew or add funds to your program.

The Jet Card Haircut Calculator enables you to see where you stand.

Enter below how much you’ve spent on flights with the provider in question so far, how many hours you’ve flown with that provider, and how much you still have in unused funds.

The calculator will tell you the actual hourly rate you paid, accounting for the unused funds.

You can then compare it to our Quarterly Jet Card Pricing Report to see if you still outperformed the average jet card hourly rate.

Worth Reading

Some of our previous articles about the downsides of jet cards

1. Hard truths about your money and buying jet cards

2. What happens to your jet card and private jet membership deposits?

3. Caveat Emptor: Avoiding private jet scams, bankruptcies, and shutdowns

4. Six reasons not to buy a jet card

5. JetSuite bankruptcy payments prove bitter

6.  JetSuite ‘was never able to operate profitably’

7.  Jet It Lessons: What happens when your private jet provider fails?

8. Why an escrow account is important when buying a jet card