These are the most spacious Large Cabin private jets

While large-cabin jets are spacious, to begin with, the Gulfstream G650/650ER has the most passenger cabin space, followed by the Global Express

Large cabin jets vary in how much space they offer passengers ranging from the Dassault Falcon 2000 series at just over 1,000 cubic feet to the Gulfstream G650/650ER with 2,421 cubic feet. Of course, more than any other cabin size category, large jets – or sometimes referred to as heavy jets – have the most variance. Why? Whereas in light or midsize jets, most configurations are set options offered by the manufacturer. On these large aircraft, the owner will often customize their aircraft, not just with color schemes and design but also with the actual layout.

One large jet may have two club seats and a credenza, or even four club seats in the same space. Another large jet might have two facing couches, each capable of seating six people. In other words, on the same aircraft type, you might see between 10 and 15 seats.

In terms of the factors that go into space, it’s a calculation of cabin height, width, and length. While length and width will add to your impression of spaciousness, if you are tall, cabin height is something you will want to consider. According to data provided by Conklin & de Decker, the good news is all large-cabin jets have a cabin height of at least six feet, with the Gulfstream G650/650ER placing at the top at 6.4 feet. It also happens to have the widest cabin at 6.5 feet.

Large Cabin Jet Card Options

When buying from a jet card program that sells by cabin size – light, midsize, super-midsize, and large jet – you will be offered various aircraft types, so in terms of spaciousness, including height and seating, make sure to ask about specifics. We highly recommend that before you focus on jet card price, focus on writing out as much information about your upcoming trips, including how many people will be coming on each trip, so you can make sure the aircraft that will be provided meet your needs. Will the smallest jet in the large cabin category meet your needs? If not, will your provider source a jet that does at your fixed-rate, or will you be subject to on-demand charter pricing?

In terms of large jets, several programs offer the ability to select a specific jet type. OneFlight International offers fixed prices and guaranteed availability across more than two dozen specific large jet types. In contrast, NetJets, Magellan Jets, Star Jets International, and ProspAir all offer fixed rates and guaranteed programs available on both the Gulfstream G450 and Gulfstream IV/IVSP types and Dassault Falcon 2000.

Which large-cabin private jets have the most space? Compare over 45 heavy jets by cabin size below:

Aircraft Name Maximum Take-off Weight Cabin Height Cabin Width Cabin Length Cabin Volume
196,210 7 12 114 8,547
187,700 7 12 107 7,290
169,785 7 12 91 6,825
174,200 7 12 99 6,525
168,650 7 12 79 5,843
171,000 7 12 79 5,396
145,504 7 12 71 5,300
120,152 7 9 84 3,914
120,152 7 9 84 3,914
84,500 6 8 81 2,821
Gulfstream G700 107,600 6 8 56 2,603
75,000 6 8 68 2,527
Gulfstream G650 99,600 6 9 54 2,421
103,600 6 9 54 2,421
Bombardier Global 6000 99,500 6 8 48 2,002
Bombardier Global Express XRS 98,000 6 8 48 2,002
Bombardier Global Express 95,000 6 8 48 2,002
53,000 6 8 48 1,964
53,000 6 8 48 1,964
Bombardier Global 5000 92,500 6 8 42 1,889
Gulfstream G550 91,000 6 7 50 1,812
90,500 6 7 50 1,812
Gulfstream G500 79,600 6 8 48 1,714
73,000 6 8 43 1,695
Gulfstream G450 74,600 6 7 45 1,658
74,600 6 7 45 1,658
73,200 6 7 45 1,658
72,000 6 7 45 1,658
70,900 6 7 45 1,658
74,600 6 7 45 1,658
49,604 6 7 50 1,656
53,572 6 7 50 1,656
53,572 6 7 50 1,656
Dassault Aviation Falcon 7X 70,000 6 8 39 1,506
44,092 6 7 42 1,425
69,700 6 7 41 1,306
69,700 6 7 41 1,306
Dassault Aviation Falcon 900 45,500 6 8 33 1,270
45,500 6 8 33 1,270
45,500 6 8 33 1,270
46,700 6 8 33 1,270
49,000 6 8 33 1,270
48,300 6 8 33 1,270
49,000 6 8 33 1,270
69,700 6 7 39 1,221
69,700 6 7 39 1,221
62,000 6 7 39 1,221
62,000 6 7 39 1,221
62,000 6 7 39 1,221
62,000 6 7 39 1,221
Bombardier Challenger 650 48,200 6 8 28 1,146
41,250 6 8 28 1,146
43,100 6 8 28 1,146
43,100 6 8 28 1,146
45,100 6 8 28 1,146
45,100 6 8 28 1,146
48,200 6 8 28 1,146
48,200 6 8 28 1,146
Dassault Aviation Falcon 2000 35,800 6 8 31 1,028
41,000 6 8 31 1,028
42,200 6 8 31 1,028
42,200 6 8 31 1,028
42,800 6 8 31 1,028
42,800 6 8 31 1,028
41,000 6 8 31 1,028
Bombardier Global 7500 6 8 55
Bombardier Global 8000 6 8 55

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