Private Jet Flight Activity Analysis – 2024 – Week 25

UEFA24, NetJets, Flexjet, AirSprint, Volato, more jets, less flight hours highlight private jet flight activity as we near 2024’s midpoint.

By Doug Gollan, June 27, 2024

In Week 25, worldwide private jet flight activity (72,272 segments) was down 1% from the previous week and 4% from 2023.

Looking at where the private jets were flying, Managing Director Richard Koe says, ” As we approach the halfway mark to 2024, bizjet flight trends are very similar to last year, just a point down in the U.S. and two points adrift in Europe.”

Segments were down 1.4% year-over-year through June 23, 2024, although flight hours were off 1.9%.

The number of active business aircraft increased 2.5% to 24,719 tails.

How much did they fly?

During the first 25 weeks, the average jet flew 116 hours. That translates into 4.64 hours per week.

U.S. flight segments (46,247) were down 2% sequentially and 4% below Week 25 last year.

Texas (-12%) and California (-9%) saw significant year-over-year declines.

European segments (14,773) increased 5% from the previous week.

They were 2% below last year.

That’s despite a 3% week-to-week gain for Germany.

Its UEFA24 powered 1,736 segments were a 9% goal, err gain over the same period in 2023.

Dortmund (EDLW) arrivals (137) were up 107.6% year-over-year.

Oberpfaffenhofen (EDMO) arrivals (188) were up 70.9% compared to the same period in 2023.

Dusseldorf (EDDL) had a 56.% year-over-year jump with 361 arrivals.

VLJ operator GlobeAir is offering fixed rates for intra-Germany flights, which is worth considering if you are going.


Market Week 25 % Change vs. prior week % Change vs. W25 2023 52-week high Week 52-week low Week Last 4 Weeks %Change vs YOY
Global 72,272 -1% -4% 76,521 W26 2023 58,018 W52 2023 285,335 -2%
North America 48,274 -1% -4% 60,279 W46 2023 41,108 W27 2023 191,965 -1%
USA 46,247 -2% -4% 55,178 W46 2023 37,073 W27 2023 184,311 -1%
Florida 4,656 -5% -2% 8,740 W8 2024 3,628 W35 2023 20,297 1%
California 4,030 -4% -9% 5,658 W46 2023 3,463 W27 2023 16,729 -5%
Texas 4,222 -7% -12% 6,036 W46 2023 3,335 W27 2023 17,737 -2%
Europe 14,773 5% -2% 16,289 W26 2023 6,446 W52 2023 54,707 -2%
UK 1,959 4% -2% 2,014 W28 2023 876 W52 2023 7,516 0%
Germany 1,736 3% 9% 1,736 W25 2024 550 W52 2023 6,284 4%
France 2,464 -2% -6% 2,653 W26 2023 918 W52 2023 9,546 -3%
Switzerland 862 4% -7% 1,030 W3 2024 539 W44 2023 3,239 -3%
Italy 1,792 0% -19% 2,264 W28 2023 483 W52 2023 6,922 -9%
Middle East 1,318 -21% -26% 2,247 W25 2023 1,038 W14 2024 5,784 -14%
Africa 799 -1% -13% 991 W50 2023 657 W19 2024 2,999 -21%
Asia 1,809 -8% -12% 2,483 W3 2024 1,794 W52 2023 7,812 -4%
South America 2,171 4% 11% 2,212 W12 2024 1,239 W29 2023 8,264 9%

Source: WingX for Private Jet Card Comparisons. Includes Jets and VIP Airliners.

Fractional and charter operators were flat week-to-week, flying 36,898 legs, 3% below last year in Week 25.

The U.S. accounted for 24,192 movements, 2% down week-to-week and 1% under 2023.

WingX notes that despite the entry of new players in the fractional market, NetJets and Flexjet were responsible for over 31,000 of the 34,000 fractional business jet departures so far in June.

Still, the category is hot.

Canada’s AirSprint and HondaJet operator Volato were up 35% and 32%, month-over-month.

Earlier this week, Volato said more aircraft, including its first Gulfstream G280, are on the way.

Fractional and charter activity (10,213 segments) gained 6% in Europe from the prior week.

That was still 5% down year-over-year.


Market (Part 91K & Part135) Week 25 % Change vs. prior wk % Change vs. W25 2023 52-week high Week 52-week low Week Last 4 Weeks (Flights) %Change vs YOY
Global 36,898 0% -3% 40,375 W26 2023 29868 W2 2024 145,185 -2%
North America 24,886 -2% -1% 30,954 W46 2023 21,649 W27 2023 99,815 1%
USA 24,192 -2% -1% 28,235 W46 2023 20,505 W27 2023 96,964 1%
Florida 2,468 -5% -3% 5,792 W52 2023 1,958 W35 2023 11,008 1%
California 2,500 -7% -9% 3,480 W46 2023 2,253 W27 2023 10,461 -2%
Texas 1,863 -4% -6% 2,496 W46 2023 1,404 W27 2023 7,693 1%
Europe 10,213 6% -5% 12,171 W27 2023 5,313 W52 2023 37,640 -7%
UK 1,378 6% 0% 1,516 W28 2023 731 W2 2024 5,309 -2%
Germany 1,211 8% 13% 1,211 W25 2024 432 W52 2023 4,218 -1%
France 1,775 2% -5% 1,943 W48 2023 716 W52 2023 6,651 -7%
Switzerland 623 14% -12% 923 W7 2024 411 W47 2023 2,273 -9%
Italy 1,292 0% -24% 1,847 W28 2023 422 W52 2023 5,074 -13%
Middle East 733 -12% -25% 1,057 W35 2023 567 W13 2024 2,877 -18%
Africa 227 18% -10% 380 W41 2023 192 W16 2024 828 -18%
Asia 170 -25% -38% 733 W11 2023 170 W25 2024 901 -18%
South America 26 -26% -19% 91 W1 2024 16 W23 2024 100 0%

Source: WingX for Private Jet Card Comparisons. Includes Jets and VIP Airliners.

As expected, it was a goal – err, gain for the fractional and charter operators in Germany.

The 1,211 flights were 13% higher than last year.

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