Year Founded
Vero Beach, FL
Larry Leet
Jet Card Hourly Rates
Dynamic pricing
Able American Jets is a boutique private jet charter broker based in Vero Beach, Florida.
It offers dynamic pricing jet card memberships using wholesale pricing.
For members, it places the trip for bids on several subscription services to find the lowest cost with approved operators.
Pricing is based on wholesale rates plus fixed markups.
All billing is transparent, displaying the wholesale invoicing to Able American Jets from the name air charter carrier, the scheduling fee, taxes, and any other fees billed to the member.
The company was founded in 2014 by Gary Burdsall and Larry Leet, who serve as co-CEOs, although it dates its history to 1987.
It is privately held.
Not disclosed.
Not disclosed
Larry Leet and Gary Burdsall are co-CEOs.
It is a broker sourcing aircraft from third-party charter operators.
There are four types of memberships, each using wholesale dynamic pricing. Annual membership fees range from $5,000 to $45,000.
Able American Jets uses wholesale dynamic pricing.
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