Airstream Jets Inc.

Airstream Jets Inc Executive Overview

Year Founded



Boca Raton, FL


Peter Maestrales


Jet Card Hourly Rates

Airstream Jets uses a mileage-based formula. A very light jet starts at $20 per mile, plus 7.5% FET with a daily minimum of 550 miles.

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Empty Legs, On-demand Charter, Group Charters, Aircraft Management

Airstream Jets Inc. is a Boca Raton, Florida-based charter broker.

In addition to selling on-demand dynamically priced charters, it offers the Distance Card jet card.

The Distance Card is a mileage-based jet card program using a simple formula based on a set price-per-mile for each aircraft category.

Aircraft categories range from very light jets to large cabin aircraft.

In addition, rates are tiered, so the cost-per-mile decreases as trip distance increases.

Airstream Jets also offers VIP airliner charters, sports team travel, air ambulance, aircraft acquisitions, and pilot/crew staffing.

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Airstream Jets Inc Fast Facts

Who owns Airstream Jets Inc?

Peter Maestrales is the owner of Airstream Jets.

How many customers does Airstream Jets Inc have?

Airstream Jets is a boutique broker. Its Distance card has less than 50 members.

What are the annual revenues for Airstream Jets Inc?

Revenues are not disclosed. 

Who is the CEO of Airstream Jets Inc?

Peter Maestrales

How does Airstream Jets Inc source private jets?

Airstream Jets is a broker and sources aircraft from third-party charter operators. 

How much does Airstream Jets Inc private jet programs cost?

Airstream’s Distance Card starts at $25,000 (the Silver Level) and offers a Gold Level ($100,000).

What type of pricing does Airstream Jets Inc offer?

Fixed rates with guaranteed availability.

What is Airstream Jets Inc's website?

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