Year Founded
London, England
Glen Duckworth
Ian Patterson
Trevor Johnson
Anna Howden
Operations Director
Elliot Bottomley
MD, Equinox Charter
Jet Card Hourly Rates
Equinox Charter offers on-demand, dynamic pricing with a rewards program
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VIP Group Charters
London-based Equinox Charter is a sister company to Equinox Travel.
It is an Argus-certified charter broker.
In 2023, it launched a rewards program enabling charter customers to earn credits that can be redeemed for discounts on travel bookings through Equinox Travel.
Equinox Charter is a sister company to Equinox Charter and privately held
No disclosed
Glen Duckworth and Ian Patterson are Co-CEOs of Equinox Charter and Equinox Travel
Equinox Charter is a broker sourcing aircraft from third-party charter operators
Cost varies per trip
Equinox Travel uses dynamic pricing
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