Year Founded
Stuart, Florid
Josh Birmingham
Jeff Lee
Joanne Aquilina
Steve O'Neill
Advisor, Strategic Planning
Steve Purvis
Vice President of Maintenance
Darren Blackett
Vice President of Sales
Marty Hetherington
Director of Marketing
Jet Card Hourly Rates
Light Jets from $6,400 per hour, plus FET
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Part 145 Maintenance and an FBO in Michigan
Premier Private Jets is a floating fleet operator headquartered in Stuart, Florida.
It currently has 13 light and midsize private jets with plans to double its fleet in the next several years.
It offers jet cards with fixed hourly rates and guaranteed availability.
The Florida Express Jet Club offers fixed flight pricing to and from Florida airports to a service area East of the Mississippi, excluding Maine and Minnesota.
In July 2023 it launched a fixed hourly rate card for flights east of the Mississippi River.
Premier Private Jets is privately held.
Premier Private Jets has approximately 50 jet card members
Premier Private Jets had an estimated $50 million in revenues in 2022.
Joshua Birmingham
Premier Private Jets sources aircraft for its jet cards from its own fleet and third-party charter operators.
Premier Private Jets starts at 25 hours for jet cards and four annual flights for the Florida Express fixed route rate jet card.
Premier Private Jets offers fixed hourly and fixed regional rates.
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