Year Founded
Lincoln, NE
Mike Gerdes
John Geary
Chief Executive Officer
Joe Butt
Chief Operating Officer
Dave Stanley
Chief Marketing Officer
John Thomas Jr.
Chief Financial Officer
Nate Lowry
Chief Technology Officer
Jet Card Hourly Rates
King Air 90A from $3,500 per hour, plus FET and Fuel Surcharge
Silverhawk Aviation is based in Lincoln, Nebraska.
It is focused on serving customers in Nebraska, Kansas, and Iowa.
The program doesn’t include repositioning for flights to/from and within 200 miles of its home base.
In May 2021, Silverhawk sold its MRO and FBO business to Ross Aviation.
Silverhawk Aviation is privately held.
Not disclosed.
Not disclosed.
John Geary
Silverhawk Aviation uses its fleet of fractionally owned aircraft for customer flights.
Silverhawk Aviation’s jet card begins at $125,000
Silverhawk Aviation offers fixed hourly rates on an as-available basis
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