What Questions Should You Ask Before Booking An Empty Leg?
Empty legs are the siren’s song of private jet travel. In fact, JetSmarter has built a business based on the temptation of access to free seats on empty leg flights in exchange for an upfront membership fees. Scroll its app and go through dozens of private jet flights ready to whisk you away. Dozens of providers market hundreds of empty leg flights every day on Twitter, Instagram and via email.However, it’s not all roses. Empty legs are often or sometimes canceled, pick your choice of words based on personal experience. You might be on your way to the FBO or even there and all of a sudden, no flight. What happens then? Jet card seller Magellan Jets has published an excellent white paper “Empty Leg Flying: Risk vs Reward.”
Below are five questions Magellan suggests asking:
1. Where is the aircraft coming from and what time will it be at my departure airport?
2. If there is a schedule change, will you honor my flight and departure time?
3. Is the person on the primary flight being held to 100% cancellation fee on their flight?
4. What is the backup plan if something changes with my empty leg?
5. Do I have a fixed-price guarantee to back this empty leg up?