Jet Cards are popular with companies that want to obtain the benefits of private aviation and be able to carefully budget total spending and costs per trip.
It might surprise you that it is estimated around 50% of Jet Card flying is for business. While Jet Cards are popular with families and executives who fly by company jet, but need a personal private travel solution, the Jet Card is also ideal for companies. Many Jet Cards provide guaranteed hourly rates, and one-way rates, meaning no ferry fees. Both features mean that it is easier to budget trips. Jet Cards also provide the ability to quickly take advantage of opportunities that pop up without having to worry about transferring funds, but because they are purchased in fix amounts, give your CFO and COO budget control.
Because Jet Card providers have service recovery guarantees, they generally protect you in case there is a mechanical or the flight crew is not available to fly. With on-demand charter, you could be forced to pay for a last minute requote. At the same time, companies at some point may want detailed data on what returns each private jet flight produced. To help, NoPlaneNoGain.org has produced a brief survey that can be easily filled out with each flight.
It starts with an introduction:
The aircraft you are flying in today is an important business tool whose purpose is to leverage the mobility of our company’s most talented people, which ultimately leads to improved shareholder value. Research shows that using a business aircraft in mission execution can also be the sign of a well-managed company. Those unfamiliar with business aviation are often unaware of the enormous shareholder value a business aircraft provides.
As a passenger on this aircraft, please take a moment to provide some information on how traveling by business aircraft helps you do your job better. This checklist was designed so that our flight department can gather information that will help better inform our shareholders and others about how a business aircraft makes helps us execute our mission, achieve our organizational vision and create shareholder value.
The answers to the questions on this checklist also may prove useful in the event that activist shareholders, reporters with media organizations or other individuals approach us about the role that business aircraft play in our business.
Thank you for assisting us with this matter. When completed, please hand this card to a member of the flight crew.
And then asks brief questions, starting with who is traveling on the flight:
Who is traveling today? (Please mark as many as apply.)
___ Executive(s) or key employee(s).
___ Specialist(s) (e.g. finance, quality control, sales/marketing, product/customer support, etc.).
___ Customer(s).
___ Supplier(s) or business partner(s).
___ Board member(s).
___ Other (Please specify in a few words):
Then, the purpose of the trip:
Please identify some of the benefits of today’s business aircraft trip.
(Again, please mark all that apply.)
___ Individual or team productivity: For this trip, it is very important to have a door-to-door working environment, with privacy and security assured. We can work on or discuss company business without worrying about someone viewing sensitive competitive information or being overheard.
___ Traveler productivity. Our time is very valuable. Other travel options will not support an efficient or practical schedule. A business aircraft can extend our day and week in ways not possible with other forms of transportation.
___ Transaction acceleration. Using a business aircraft provides us strong competitive advantages.
___ Customer retention. We can use this form of transportation to respond to customer needs more quickly and reliably, or with greater thoroughness.
___ Transportation of cargo, parts or other company goods/products. We can safely, securely and rapidly move parts or cargo important to the company.
___ Corporate Social Responsibility. Today’s flight supports a humanitarian mission.
___ Expense reduction. Flying on a business aircraft provides direct travel expense savings versus other modes of transportation.
___Other (Please specify in a few words):
And finally, the benefits of using private aviation for this trip:
The answers to this last set of questions will help us link today’s trip with some of the key tenets of shareholder value – a focus of our top executives, board and shareholders. How will today’s trip contribute toward our company’s vision and mission? (Thank you for marking all that apply.)
___ We will boost our top line revenue and/or long-term revenue growth. For example, this trip will help us get our products to market faster or grow our customer base.
___ Our work today will advance our quality programs, improve our supply chain, contribute to more innovative outcomes and/or lower our costs.
___ This trip will help us improve customer satisfaction.
___ Utilizing a business aircraft helps our work/life balance. Instead of losing time in commercial airports and spending the night in a hotel, we can do our work efficiently and spend more quality time at home with family.
You can download a PDF version at www.noplanenogain.org/resources/advocacy-resources.