When you buy a jet card, you don’t just buy hours of flight time, you buy hours of family time. After you look at these adorable pictures, we dare you not to buy a jet card!
Jet cards enable you to book a jet with one call being secure that you know the safety standards from your program for sourcing both aircraft and pilots. And by the way, if you subscribe to Private Jet Card Comparisons you can compare standards for over 250 jet card membership programs. But enough with the commercials, let’s go on to the cute kids.
@mattydriscoll we wish you lots of patience and a deep pocketbook. Junior is adorable and #NetJets is great, but really, #OnlyNetJets already! Next thing you know, he’ll want to go to Gstaad instead of Vail! Just joking. Thanks for sharing!
Phoenix to Squaw Peak is the perfect private jet trip for New Year’s. @randyhanley what a great family – and they’re all buckled in too! #SafetyFirst
@lucykapow somebody is already pretty good at photoshop!
From Boston to the Turks & Caicos on a Gulfstream GIV makes for a happy father and son. We think @herweck Matt Herweck is one darn good dad!
We hope @lschneider83 had a Phenom 300 time wherever they were going!
Thanks @noneforgetabble for sharing this great picture of Kanye with us on a beautiful Gulfstream private jet.
We don’t speak German, but we do know how to use Google Translate. Thanks for the great James Dean quote and terrific father and son on a private jet picture!
Kids fashion designer Gabriella Waheed Sanders or @gabalabb has her kids @gucci styling at 40,000 feet. We’ll give a high five for that.
Pro basketball player Igee King and family get ready to fly with @Flexjet back to California.
Brayden Williams tells us he likes things that are fast and adventurous, like a Flexjet Challenger 350! @braydenwilliam777 parents – Thanks for a great Instagram feed!
@costadedes is old enough to know he likes to cruise at Mach .91 aboard an @XOJET Cessna Citation X.
Thanks Michelle Looney @mmlooney for letting us know that #LondonIsOurMostSpoiled. We won’t tell her that NetJets has a GIVSP fractional jet card so she can fly nonstop to her namesake city!
@KarendKeller if you adopt me we can try for an “Eight is Enough” sequel.
And what better way to end #FlyPrivateFriday with #FotobombFriday as @princehabib007 has junior photobombing the grandparents in this adorable picture.
We hope this inspired you to go out and buy a jet card. And don’t forget, if you subscribe to Private Jet Card Comparisons we compare over 250 jet card programs, including minimum age for sending unaccompanied children!