Outlier Jets partners with openDoors for unique travel experiences

By Doug Gollan, September 10, 2020

The Naples, Florida-based jet card broker is expanding its lifestyle partnerships

Outlier Jets is partnering with openDOORS Global, a luxury travel consultancy that specializes in the converging markets of travel, hospitality, real estate, and lifestyle management.

With its new partner, Outlier is launching openDOORS Local providing visitors to Florida with its new turnkey experiences.

Clients will have access to seasoned educational and medical professionals to design a controlled ecosystem based on your specifications, where hospitality and lifestyle intersect with your health, wellness, and children’s education.

“The ecosystem we are curating with openDOORS Global and other select partners, will help to insulate our members and guests from COVID-19, while also allowing them to maintain some normalcy in their lives through the experience of travel,” said Cathleen Brustuen, senior director, Outlier Jets.

She added, “With the expertise of openDOORS Global, we are proud to partner with seasoned educational and medical professionals to design a controlled ecosystem based on our customer’s specifications. With this new offering, members can rest easy knowing we can execute the highest caliber of personalized care for our travelers and their families.”

“At Outlier Jets, we always strive to provide the best for our members and add value to our new clients through innovation and our ability to adapt. We’re pleased to partner with an innovative company like openDOORS to safely move families, their elderly loved ones, college students, those traveling for unforeseen needs, and mission-critical business trips,” said Michael Farley, chief executive officer, Outlier Jets. “

He added, “As more Americans take to the skies, private jet travel remains a safer alternative to commercial air travel, and we offer our unwavering commitment, along with openDOORS, to remain vigilant in offering a safe and seamless experience.”


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