Hopes says there is hope for AeroVanti

Scott Hopes says he is now CEO of AeroVanti, and it has received a funding infusion to move forward with new management.

By Doug Gollan, July 23, 2023

In a message to AeroVanti members, Scott Hopes told them, “It has been a long and challenging week. There is good news coming Monday, and a new administration, new board, and board chair will be announced.”

He said, “A large infusion of working capital was deposited this morning, which is directed to returning aircraft and staff to service to meet member demand.”

Hopes added, “Expect an announcement for a meeting on Friday to discuss with the new leadership everything from the turnaround plan, strategic alliances, scheduling, member and investor engagement, new governance structure, and fleet expansion!”

AeroVanti issued a press release announcing Hopes as CEO on June 22.

As of mid-month, Hopes had not taken the position.

However, in an exclusive interview with Private Jet Card Comparisons, Hopes said he is now in charge and confirmed the message about investment.

Asked what to expect, he said, “You can frame it as a restart.”

He said the company is already working with aircraft owners to renegotiate leases and purchase airplanes.

Hopes described the aircraft owners as “more than willing to renegotiate affordable terms.”

Maintenance workers and other staff are expected to be called back this week.

Hopes expects to brief members later this week about future flight availability.

Asked about monies already spent by members, he said the company is working on solutions.

“There are a number of options…how they can use credits,” Hopes says.

DOJ alleges fraud against AeroVanti’s Britton-Harr

Last week, the Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against Founder Patrick Britton-Harr.

It alleges he bilked Medicare through laboratories he owned in a Covid-19-related scam.

The DOJ believes Britton-Harr used monies from the Medicare fraud to launch the private jet company in 2021.

Hopes did not return a call seeking comments.

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