By-the-seat private jet provider JSX is asking customers to support its operations against efforts he says by big airlines to put it out of business.
JSX, under fire from Part 121 airlines and possible new FAA rules that would impact its business model, is reaching out to customers.
Dallas-based JSX believes big airlines like Southwest Airlines and American Airlines are behind possible government rule revisions that would impose new regulations.
In August, Reuters reported the FAA was “considering subjecting high-volume charter flight operators to stricter regulations imposed on passenger airlines.”
It said, “Airline unions have opposed the expansion of charter operations. Association of Flight Attendants-CWA President Sara Nelson praised the FAA action, calling the charter regulations a ‘loophole that undermines safety and security rules for commercial aviation.'”
JSX sells seats on scheduled flights but uses private terminals instead of the main airport terminals.
Because its airplanes have a maximum capacity of 30 passengers, it is able to operate under different rules than the big airlines.
Using the private terminals with different security screen procedures enable sJSX to have a check-in cutoff of just 20 minutes prior to departure.
In an email to customers yesterday, JSX CEO Alex Wilcox told them, “The truth is that two huge airlines – American and Southwest – and their labor union leaders – have been lobbying the FAA, TSA, and elected officials in Washington D.C. with misinformation and unsubstantiated safety claims in a brazen attempt to regulate JSX out of business.”
Read the full letter from JSX CEO Alex Wilcox:
I’ll get right to the point: JSX needs your help.
The FAA, under pressure from two huge airlines, is considering major changes to regulations that have been in effect for decades. These changes would ban JSX’s award-winning and innovative style of flying. If they succeed, you will lose the freedom to choose how and where to fly.
The truth is that two huge airlines – American and Southwest – and their labor union leaders – have been lobbying the FAA, TSA, and elected officials in Washington D.C. with misinformation and unsubstantiated safety claims in a brazen attempt to regulate JSX out of business. In fact, JSX has a flawless safety record and far exceeds applicable safety, security, and regulatory standards. By any measure, JSX has a better safety, security and operating record than they do – and as you know, JSX customer satisfaction scores are far higher than either of them!
Hiding behind baseless allegations and fearful of competition and innovation, these companies are trying to outlaw small air carriers, like JSX, that care about providing you with much needed choice and high-quality service. It’s hardly a surprise that these airlines would try to mislead you about JSX. American has an 86% market share at DFW and Southwest has a stunning 96% market share at Love Field. This is a de facto duopoly in Dallas that they surely want to preserve. That they’d stoop to trying to convince regulators and lawmakers that safety is in jeopardy, in order to maintain their duopoly, is shameful.
We cannot let them stop us.
This is about more than just your freedom to choose to fly with us. In many small communities, JSX is the only air carrier that provides by-the-seat air service. Every day, in the biggest and smallest airports in the country, we serve you, we serve the elderly, we serve families, we serve people on the autism spectrum or who have other special needs, and we serve many others unable or unwilling to endure the crowded terminals, packed planes, onboard altercations, and operational meltdowns that have become all too common on the huge carriers who want us gone.
Here is where you come in. The FAA has opened a public docket where you can comment on their proposal, and make your voice heard about protecting your right to fly on JSX.
We need you to weigh in, right now.
The chance to express your voice and lend your support on this important docket ends on Thursday, October 12. With just a few clicks, your comment will be sent to the FAA and to your congressional representatives. Our 1,200 Crewmembers and the diverse communities and people we serve are counting on you.
Please make your voice heard by submitting your comments through the link below.
JSX is committed to providing you with a Joyful, Simple Experience every time you fly. The future of air travel is bright. Let’s make sure it stays that way.
According to The Dallas Morning News, a spokesperson for Southwest said it “supports the position of airline industry pilots, flight attendants, and air traffic controllers who believe there needs to be one level of safety for anyone flying on a scheduled air carrier.”