Private Jet Flight Activity Analysis – 2024 – Week 24

Private jet flight activity scores in Europe with Euro2024 and the Olympics while AirSprint, Flexjet, and NetJets boost Team North America.

By Doug Gollan, June 20, 2024

Worldwide private jet flight activity scored a gooooooooooooooal and was going for the gold in Week 24, with 73,023 segments.

That’s just off the 52-week high of 75,521 segments in Week 26 of 2023.

And while it’s 3% off from last week, it was still 1% down year-over-year.

WingX Managing Director Richard Koe tells us not to take a victory lap yet.

He says, “European bizjet activity has bumped along this year, only 1-to-2% down on last year in terms of bizjet sectors flown, but only 5% ahead of volumes in 2019. France and Germany both saw upticks this week, Week 24, which goes against the grain of declines in the last four weeks and, indeed, year-to-date. Clearly, this uptick owes to the Euro Championships hosted in Germany and the run-up to the Olympics opening in Paris.”

However, Koe adds, “Conversely, Switzerland, Spain, and Italy are seeing fewer bizjet flights than in June last year, although the latter two countries, as well as Greece, are well ahead of 2019. Greece is continuing to show impressive growth this year, with bizjet arrivals month-to-date up by 10%. Arrivals into Greece from the UK are up by 67% this month, whereas arrivals from Italy are down by 27%.”

Overall, Europe (14,114) segments were up 13% sequentially, but down 2% year-over-yeear.

Germany (1,682) was up 4% year over year, and France (2,511) was up 1% compared to 2023.

European VLJ operator GlobeAir is cleverly trying to gain market share with promotion rates for Euro2024 football fans.

Looking at the world’s biggest private jet market, U.S. segments (47,043) were up 1% week-to-week and 1% down from last year.


Market Week 24 % Change vs. prior week % Change vs. W24 2023 52-week high Week 52-week low Week Last 4 Weeks (Flights) % Change vs YOY
Global 73,023 3% -1% 76,521 W26 2023 58,018 W52 2023 281,565 -2%
North America 48,988 1% -1% 60,279 W46 2023 41,108 W27 2023 189,618 -1%
USA 47,043 1% -1% 55,178 W46 2023 37,073 W27 2023 182,520 -1%
Florida 4,881 -5% 2% 8,740 W8 2024 3,628 W35 2023 21,410 1%
California 4,177 -2% -7% 5,658 W46 2023 3,463 W27 2023 16,792 -5%
Texas 4,546 0% -2% 6,036 W46 2023 3,335 W27 2023 17,911 0%
Europe 14,114 13% -2% 16,289 W26 2023 6,446 W52 2023 52,510 -2%
UK 1,880 7% -5% 2,014 W28 2023 876 W52 2023 7,486 1%
Germany 1,682 8% 4% 1,682 W24 2024 550 W52 2023 5,747 -5%
France 2,511 14% 1% 2,653 W26 2023 918 W52 2023 9,401 -2%
Switzerland 825 13% -6% 1,030 W3 2024 539 W44 2023 3,148 -4%
Italy 1,798 15% -6% 2,264 W28 2023 483 W52 2023 6,720 -2%
Middle East 1,661 18% 5% 2,247 W25 2023 1,038 W14 2024 5,862 -7%
Africa 811 13% -17% 991 W50 2023 657 W19 2024 3,070 -22%
Asia 1,957 1% -1% 2,483 W3 2024 1,794 W52 2023 8,053 -4%
South America 2,079 1% 11% 2,212 W12 2024 1239 W29 2023 8,133 9%

Source: WingX for Private Jet Card Comparisons. Includes Jets and VIP Airliners.

Charter and fractional operators grew 4% sequentially with 37,044 segments, 5% down from 2023.

Even a 13% week-to-week boost in Europe (9,607 flights) left numbers 13% down from 2023.

Germany (1,124) and France (1,741) saw 12% and 20% week-to-week growth.

That was still down from last year by 4% and 8%, respectively.


Market (Part 91K & Part135) Week 24 % Change vs. prior wk % Change vs. W24 2023 52-week high Week 52-week low Week Last 4 Weeks (Flights) % Change vs YOY
Global 37,044 4% -5% 40,375 W26 2023 29,868 W2 2024 143,046 -4%
North America 25,436 0% 0% 30,954 W46 2023 21,649 W27 2023 99,009 0%
USA 24,674 0% 0% 28,235 W46 2023 20,505 W27 2023 96,319 0%
Florida 2,598 -8% 0% 5,792 W52 2023 1,958 W35 2023 11,807 0%
California 2,693 2% -3% 3,480 W46 2023 2,253 W27 2023 10,523 -3%
Texas 1,945 -1% 1% 2,496 W46 2023 1,404 W27 2023 7,806 3%
Europe 9,607 13% -13% 12,171 W27 2023 5,313 W52 2023 36,229 -12%
UK 1,295 6% -13% 1,516 W28 2023 731 W2 2024 5,320 -8%
Germany 1,124 12% -4% 1,179 W24 2023 432 W52 2023 3,788 -15%
France 1,741 20% -8% 1,943 W48 2023 716 W52 2023 6,527 -12%
Switzerland 548 8% -19% 923 W7 2024 411 W47 2023 2,205 -13%
Italy 1,286 8% -19% 1,847 W28 2023 422 W52 2023 4,955 -11%
Middle East 834 32% -10% 1,057 W35 2023 567 W13 2024 2,817 -19%
Africa 193 -7% -37% 380 W41 2023 192 W16 2024 821 -32%
Asia 226 -11% -19% 733 W11 2023 220 W19 2024 957 -19%
South America 35 119% -13% 91 W1 2024 16 W23 2024 114 -29%

Source: WingX for Private Jet Card Comparisons. Includes Jets and VIP Airliners.

Fractional and charter operators in the U.S. flew 24,674 segments in the week ending June 16, 2024.

That was flat with the previous week, as well as last year.

However, digging deeper, Koe notes, “Fractional operations are continuing to prop up the U.S. market, comprising 19% of all flights this month and up by 12% compared to last year.”

NetJets and Flexjet make up 75% of fractional activity, per WingX.

Its data shows both fleets flying 10% more than last year.

Canada’s Air Sprint also has double digit growth this month.

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