Year Founded
Surbiton, England
Chris Leach
Justin Bowman
Stewart Pitt
Group Finance Director
Justin Lancaster
Group Commercial Director
Ruan Courtney
Chief Operating Officer
Omar Saeed
Group Legal Director
James Leach
Group Marketing Director
Christine Leach
Non-executive Director
Andrew Christie
Group Executive Jets Director
Richard Thompson
Regional Director, Americas
Jet Card Hourly Rates
US hourly rates from $5,775 for a light jet; European hourly prices from 5,560 euros
U.K.-based charter broker Air Charter Service offers fixed-rate jet cards with primary service areas in both the U.S. and Europe.
There are capped hourly rates and dynamic pricing options.
According to the company, it operates over 23,000 flights per year, with over $1.2 billion in sales claimed.
In addition to large and sports teams groups, it also offers cargo charters.
ACS has offices worldwide across Europe, the Americas, and Asia/Pacific.
Air Charter Service is privately held, with Chris Leach and Justin Bowman its two primary owners.
Air Charter Service arranges over 23,000 flights per year
In its latest financial year, ending in February, Air Charter Service had over $1.2 billion in revenues
Justin Bowman
Air Charter Service is a hybrid and sources aircraft through an aircraft management company it owns and third-party charter operators.
It manages around 30 aircraft and uses third party-operators.
Dynamic pricing membership start at $50,000 while fixed rate jet cards start at 25 hours.
Light jet fixed hourly rates start at $7,650 in the U.S.
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