Year Founded
Gatwick, England and New York, USA for parent Wheels Up
George Mattson
CEO, Wheels Up Experience
Mark Briffa
CEO, Air Partner and Chief Commerical Officer, Wheels Up
Paul Rollason
Group Finance Director
Craig Pattison
Chief People and Technology Officer
Kevin MacNaughton
Managing Director, Charter
Jonathan Astill
EVP, Services
Jet Card Hourly Rates
U.S. light jet rates from $7,900, including FET; European light jet rates from 6,960 euros
Related Products
Wheels Up, Group Charters, Cargo Charters, Air Evacuation; On-demand Charters, Empty Legs
Related Companies
Wheels Up Experience (parent), Bain Simmons, Redline Assured Security, Delta Air Lines
Air Partner is part of Wheels Up Experience in a deal that closed in April 2022.
Air Partner’s JetCard program comprises just a portion of the broad aviation offerings of the 60-plus-year-old organization.
Its fixed-rate jet card is offered in the U.S. and Europe.
It also arranges freight charters, travel planning group charters, and on-demand charters.
The company is based at Gatwick Airport outside of London, England.
Wheels Up Experience
Parent Wheels Up Experience has over 12,000 members. Before its acquisition Air Partner had around 300 jet card customers.
In its last year as a public company, Air Partner reported GPB 274.8 million in revenues, GBP 44.9 million in gross profit, and GBP 11.6 million in net profit before tax.
Mark Briffa is the CEO of Air Partner. Todd Smith is the Interim-CEO of parent Wheels Up Experience.
Air Partner uses the fleet of Wheels Up Experience and as a charter broker the fleets of third-party charter operators.
Air Partner’s entry program in the U.S. starts at 10 hours and $79,000 on a light jet.
Fixed-hourly rates with guaranteed availability.
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