With various user websites such as Flyertalk chattering about changes to JetSmarter’s shuttle services, helicopter transfers and that it no longer accepts American Express, Private Jet Card Comparisons reached out to the private aviation seller. We emailed the below questions to CMO Ronn Torossian, and their PR company responded in writing with answers attributed to CEO and Founder Sergey Petrossov. We also reached out to American Express but didn’t receive a response. JetSmarter did not answer our question as to change in overall shuttle flight volume year over year.
PJCC: What new shuttle flights has JetSmarter launched since the beginning of the year, and at what frequency?
Sergey Petrossov: “South Florida routes – Orlando, Tampa, Bahamas; Dallas to New York (and) Los Angeles, and Turkey shuttles. Separately, we launched homes in March to our platform, where members can rent homes through the app.”
PJCC: What shuttle flights has JetSmarter dropped or decreased in frequency since the beginning of the year?
SP: “The following routes have decreased in frequency: London – Dubai and London – Istanbul. However, we have plans to continue adding routes that our members will frequently travel on.”
PJCC: Are all shuttles under three hours still free or does that vary by the program? Can you provide details?
SP: “Smart members pay per seat on any flights over three hours. For example, Florida-Los Angeles, Florida-Las Vegas or Los Angeles, New York – Los Angeles, New York -San Francisco, and New York-London. Sophisticated (members) can use their tokens and fly free on any flights over three hours.”
PJCC: We understand helicopter service from Manhattan to HPN has gone from free to $250 and now $395 each way. Is that true?
SP: “For Smart members who would like to use helicopter transfers, it will cost $395. This service is complimentary for Sophisticated members.”
PJCC: Why are you no longer accepting American Express?
SP: “JetSmarter currently accepts payments through Visa, Mastercard, JCB and Discover, as well as wire, ACH Transfer or personal check. Unfortunately, American Express does not always work with membership model companies.”