You ask your assistant to go to a few private jet card membership websites and check out the hourly rates. She follows your instructions and puts them in a comparison chart for you. That was easy! Then you join. You get your first invoice, and shock, the prices you are paying have nothing to do with the rates on the website. It reminds you of that $29 per day car rental that ended up costing you $79.
To figure out your real hourly rate, here is what you will need to check out:
Private Jet Card Comparisons compares all of the above across over 100 programs from Air Partner, Airstream Jets, Clay Lacy Aviation, Concord Private Jet, Delta Private Jets, Ecojets, ExpertJet, Flexjet, Jet Aviation, Jet Linx, JetSet Group, JetSuite, Magellan Jets, Marquis Jet, NetJets, Nicholas Air, Paramount Business Jets, Private Jet Services Group, PrivateFly, Prive Jets, Sentient Jet, Silverhawk Aviation, Solairus Aviation, Star Jets International, StraightLine Private Air, VistaJet, Wheels Up, Wholesale Jet Club, and XOJET.
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