When you buy a jet card your happiest friend may be your best friend. In this edition of #FlyPrivateFriday we scan social media to showcase another good reason to #FlyPrivate – your dog will love you for it!
Before we showcase some lucky dogs, remember, before you buy a jet card subscribe to Private Jet Card Comparisons to compare the pet travel policies for over 250 jet card programs. OK, now onto the cute dogs!
We agree with @kathy_qian. Panda is one lucky dog apparently headed from New York City to Vail for a vacation.
We know of at least two big fans of songwriter and novelist @jeremyxwagner that are happy daddy selected Flexjet for his private jet flights.
When daddy is @thomasflohrvista the chairman of @vistajet we think you will probably be getting on that Bombardier Global Express to London bud.
It looks like Mia is going to escape the London weather. If you are wondering where she was going, we checked @miniworldofmia and found she landed in Monaco. Nice!
Credit advocate and entrepreneur Lyann Nguyen knows the best way to visit the Valley of the Sun is with @XOJET and a best friend.
We found the one and only @goldenlady212 catching up on some sleep aboard this private jet on her way to a snowy adventure. Check out her Instagram page if you like cute.
@twylathewheaten claims to be “the cutest wheaten terrier ever” as she gets ready for a flight from Los Angeles International Airport to Napa on this Bombardier Challenger 350.
@atxclaude is celebrating #TongueOutTuesday and living a dog’s life on this “Pawsome Tuesday” aboard another Bombardier Challenger.
Gus the Golden Retriever looks like one happy dog even though he’s leaving Palm Springs. Then again, if we were flying with @pattymcnerney we’d be happy too! And yes, Gus flies @NetJets.
That’s one special Beagle that @eratcliffe has as her flying companion. What does this cute dog see on the ceiling of this private jet?
@jul_banks has a happy new friend for her private jet flight to Marbella. We agree it’s a beauty shot!
@iamJPW know how to take care of his friends aboard this Pilatus PC-12 with one contented Shihtzu.
@Privaira got our attention with this adorable photo. If we charter a jet, does this lovely dog come with us?
Nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina if you’re a dog flying with @SentientJet, so these happy pups tell us here at Private Jet Card Comparisons.
Don’t forget to tag your photos #FlyPrivateFriday and you might find yourself featured on Private Jet Card Comparisons! To make the right jet card choice for your pet, subscribe to Private Jet Card Comparisons and you can compare the pet policies for over 250 jet card programs.