The website for Central Jet Charter is no longer functioning and has been offline since late last week. Paul Alexander, the CEO of the private jet charter broker, was arrested earlier this month. He was charged with allegedly trying to sell sex with underage girls to an undercover agent.
The URL https://centraljetcharter.com/ now goes to a directory that appears to have been last modified on Dec. 14. A call to the company brings a voice recording to visit the website or leave a message. A request for an update about the company’s status was not returned.
According to a press release issued by New York State’s Attorney General, “The initial investigation began in March after a female minor reported Alexander to the NYPD, alleging that Alexander sexually abused her and other underage girls, and promoted them for prostitution to other men. An undercover police officer met with Alexander, who charged him a total of $300 for sexual intercourse with a 12-year-old victim and a 14-year-old victim — and encouraged the undercover officer to use alcohol and marijuana to make the victims more cooperative.”
On its website, Central Jet Charter had promoted 25-hour jet cards ranging from $25,000 to $ 1million. It promised, “We have a great Jet Charter Card Program because we are the most flexible and have no type of restrictions or expiration dates. We hope you will sign up with us because we offer a lot of great benefits.”
There’s no word on how much money was on deposit with the company. While large brokers have thousands of jet card customers, small brokers may have as few as a dozen. There is no word on whether or not Central offered an escrow account.