Alliance Aviation’s retail arm offers a March Madness promotion offering 10 free hours of flight time for jet card buyers. The offer is valid through the end of the month.
To qualify, you buy 10 flight hours at its standard 25-hour card rate in a specific category – light, midsize, super-midsize, or large cabin.
If you use those hours within six months, you then get the option to purchase 100 more hours at a price equivalent to buying 90 flight hours in the same cabin category. The net result is 10 free hours, or put another way, a 10% discount.
You can fund the 100 hours in blocks of 25 hours, says Christopher Tasca, head of Alliances brokerage unit. Program members can use their funds to upgrade or downgrade at published rates. Funds don’t expire.
Is it a good deal? While you could likely negotiate a similar discount by buying 100 hours upfront, the promotion enables you to dip your toes in the water with the initial 10-hour commitment. In other words, you can walk away after the first 10 hours, and you have half a year to use them.
Sister part 135 operator Wing currently has a fleet of 11 mainly large-cabin jets, including seven Gulfstream GIV-SPs and two Challenger 604s. It also has two Hawker 800XPs, with a third coming soon.
The company was formed in 2019 after its principals left Dumont Aviation.