Private Jet Flight Activity Analysis – 2022 – Week 26

By Doug Gollan, July 7, 2022

Is private jet flight activity growth hitting the brakes? The latest WingX data shows U.S. private jet flying is slowing, but staying ahead of last year’s record levels

Private jet flight activity in the U.S. is continuing to show signs of slowing, according to the latest WingX data.

Overall as we hit the halfway point – Week 26 – the 73,282 flights globally were 6% down from the previous week.

That was just 1% above last year’s record levels, although global private jet flights were still up 9% for the trailing four weeks.

Has the U.S. private jet surge hit its ceiling?

The U.S. is driving the slowdown with 47,430 flights in Week 26, a 10% drop week-to-week and 3% behind the same week in 2021.

U.S. private jet flights were still 5% above 2021 for the past month.

Notably, private jet flights in the key U.S. states that account for 30% of all activity – Florida, California, and Texas were within 1% of 2021 numbers for the past four weeks, even though nationally, they surged by 5%.

Private Jet Flight Activity Analysis – 2022 – Week 26

Market Week 26 % Change vs. prior week % Change vs 2021 Last 4 Weeks (Flights) % Change vs. 2021
Global 73,282 -6% 1% 302,591 9%
North America 51,644 -10% -3% 219,809 5%
USA 47,430 -10% -3% 201,522 5%
Florida 5,076 -5% -4% 21,245 0%
California 4,585 -9% -10% 19,681 -1%
Texas 4,523 -8% -4% 19,236 1%
Europe 17,559 8% 15% 65,388 19%
UK 2,334 13% 83% 8,565 86%
Germany 1,913 3% 20% 7,067 12%
France 2,743 14% 12% 10,237 25%
Switzerland 931 -3% 11% 3,589 14%
Italy 2,193 9% 25% 8,258 39%
Middle East 1,532 -1% 4% 5,950 9%
Africa 702 -9% 7% 3,094 18%
Asia 1,910 -9% 16% 7,992 20%
South America 983 -12% -9% 4,265 3%
Source: WingX for Private Jet Card Comparisons. Includes Jets and VIP Airliners.

Regarding the charter and fractional operators, flight levels were down 2% week-to-week to 37,634 flights and 4% below the same week last year.

In the U.S., the 24,016 charter and fractional flights were down 6% week-to-week and were 11% below Week 26 in 2021.

U.S. charter and fractional flights in the U.S. were down 6% for the past month.

Part 135/91K – Private Jet Flight Activity Analysis – 2022 – Week 26

Market (Part 91K & Part135) Week 26 % Change vs. prior week % Change vs 2021 Last 4 Weeks (Flights) % Change vs. 2021
Global 37,634 -2% -4% 150762 4%
North America 24,820 -7% -10% 103,258 -5%
USA 24,016 -6% -11% 99,667 -6%
Florida 2,593 -3% -13% 10,963 -11%
California 2,856 -5% -12% 11,884 -9%
Texas 1,848 -8% -13% 7,847 -6%
Europe 12,349 8% 13% 45,726 28%
UK 1,681 10% 81% 6,184 98%
Germany 1,241 2% 16% 4,612 20%
France 1,934 13% 13% 7,216 38%
Switzerland 644 -6% 6% 2,552 22%
Italy 1,676 10% 21% 6,219 45%
Middle East 708 7% -9% 2,605 6%
Africa 165 6% 39% 665 65%
Asia 266 1% 15% 1,023 30%
South America 30 131% 150% 67 16%
Source: WingX for Private Jet Card Comparisons. Includes Jets and VIP Airliners.

At the same time, Europe’s private jet flight activity, including charter and fractional, continues its rebound curve.

End of the road for U.S. private jet recovery?

So, what does it all mean?

Europe continues on the rebound. However, the U.S., which represents about two-thirds of the global market, may have hit the ceiling.

While total flights in the U.S. were up 5% over the trailing four weeks, ending July 3, fractional and charter flights dipped 6%.

What’s unsure is if that reflects lowering demand or lack of capacity. Are more aircraft owners keeping their private jets for themselves, limiting charter capacity?

In publishing its June numbers yesterday, Argus TraqPak cut its projected July growth numbers in North America from 4.7% to 0.1%. It also shows continued gains in Part 91 and decreases in Part 135 flying.

The most recent research from Private Jet Card Comparisons shows subscribers expect private jet usage for the next 12 months to be roughly flat despite price increases.

WingX Managing Director summarizes, “The first half of the year set a new record for global business jet demand, and although the rebound is slowing, the gains on 2019 have held steady at around 20%. The Fourth of July holiday period confirmed that airlines are coming back, especially in the U.S., and there is arguably a correlation with bizjet demand tapering, down 5% on last year during the weekend. The European summer demand has meanwhile hit new heights as the summer holidays start in earnest.”

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