Pilatus PC-12 operator Tradewind Aviation is expanding its by-the-seat private flights connecting Anguilla from Antigua and St. Barts.
Tradewind Aviation has added scheduled by-the-seat private flights to Anguilla from Antigua and St Barts.
Both routes will operate from mid-January through early April.
Scheduled service from Antigua departs from the V.C. Bird International Airport and will operate on Saturdays and Sundays.
Tickets between Anguilla and Antigua start at $195 plus taxes and fees.
Flight times are designed for convenient connections from British Airways flights from London and American Airlines from the U.S.
Tradewind flights can booked on a single ticket via its interline agreements with the two carriers.
Scheduled flight from St Barts departs from Gustaf III Airport, operating from Thursdays to Saturdays.
Per seat price between Anguilla and St Barts starts at $99, plus taxes and fees.
The scheduled flights use private aviation terminals and facilities, bypassing the congestion at the main terminals.
Tradewind also offers its Pilatus PC-12 jet card program in the Caribbean.
It recently added Florida and the Bahamas to the GoodSpeed jet card program.
The operator was recently named as third-best U.S. airline by the readers of Conde Nast Traveler.