Pilatus PC-24 and PC-12 fractional operator PlaneSense will offer a national primary service area for both aircraft types by the end of June.
PlaneSense, Inc., the seventh-largest private jet operator based on fractional and charter hours, is extending its Pilatus PC-24 program nationwide.
Out-of-area fees in the Western U.S. will be eliminated by the end of June.
“Demand for fractional shares in the PC-24 jet has far exceeded expectations,” says President & CEO George Antoniadis.
He adds, “We are thrilled to soon offer jet shares in the Western U.S. without any Out-of-area restrictions. The Pilatus PC-24 is ideally suited for the missions of the West Coast region, and we are looking forward to making it available to our existing clients and to the many prospects who have reached out to us.”
According to the announcement, Pilatus Aircraft, Ltd recently extended the payload and range capabilities of the PC-24 jet.
It received its first of the Swiss-made jets in December 2023.
PlaneSense will take delivery of an additional five jets with this improved performance capability in 2024.
One-third of its PC-24 fleet will then be comprised of the enhanced aircraft.
“Our clients really love the spacious, modern, and quiet interior of the PC-24 cabin and the large cargo compartment, which is accessible in flight,” says Antoniadis.
He adds, “They also appreciate the jet’s incredible short runway capabilities, which allow clients to get closer to their destinations in varying weather conditions.”
In anticipation of the jet expansion and to better serve the growing flight activity, the operator established a state-of-the-art maintenance facility in Boulder City, Nevada, in 2021.
It expanded significantly in 2023.
The maintenance operation performs routine maintenance, inspections, and detailing.
So far, the PC-24s in the program have since flown nearly 36,000 passengers to 850 airports.
In October, we reported that PlaneSense was expected to go national with its jet program.
PlaneSense is the world’s largest PC-12 operator.
That program has been nationwide since 2021.