Volato offers up to 8% in flight credits

HondaJet operator Volato is offering up to $16,000 in flight credits for its as-available jet card.

By Doug Gollan, June 19, 2024

April showers bring May flowers, which bloom into June jet card deals, per the latest Volato offer.

The HondaJet operator is offering up to $16,000 of flight credits through the end of the month.

There are actually three deals.

At its $50,000 entry level, you receive $2,000 in flight credits or 4%.

At $100,000, you get a $6,000 flight credit, so 6%.

When you deposit $200,000, you receive $16,000 of flight credits, or 8%.

Volato’s Insider jet card, like Wheels Up, uses capped hourly pricing, so you can pay less than the cap.

It is as-available, so you may need to be flexible.

It is also, like Wheels Up, regional.

The capped rate service area radiates from six focus cities by 125, 250, or 500 nautical miles based on how much you deposit.

The capped hourly rates apply to flights either within or between the zones.

Insider members also get daily deals, which save them up to 50% on short-notice flight opportunities.

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