Wayfarer Studios Co-founder Justin Baldoni shares how JetSet Group and private jet flights helped create a $242 million hit.
Actor and filmmaker Justin Baldoni has posted an Instagram video praising New York-based JetSet Group.
Baldoni is a co-founder of Wayfarer Studios.
According to Variety, Wayfarer received a $125 million investment in 2022.
Yesterday, Baldoni posted as a paid partnership on the Wayfarer Instagram account:
‘Shooting #ItEndsWithUsMovie on two different coasts, with everyone’s packed schedules, involved coordinating travel and transportation where even one missed day of shooting could have cost the production millions.
Thanks to our friends at @jetsetgrpinc, we always got to where we needed to be.’
According to Variety, “It Ends With Us” has already earned $242 million, and the summer hit is predicted to generate over $300 million in ticket sales.
Baldoni touts the benefits of private aviation and JetSet Group’s service in the post.
The post has drawn over 40,000 views in less than 24 hours.
In the video, Baldoni says:
‘When it came time logistically to figure out how to get this movie made, we reached out to our friends at JetSet, who have just been amazing partners.
One of the tricky things about making a movie on two different coasts are that actors are busy, there are other productions that are happening at the same time. And sometimes you need to get that actor from one coast to another, and you need that actor to be able to be there that day because they are filming that night.
We’re dealing with hundreds of people, and the risks are just too high. God forbid a flight gets canceled and you can’t get that actor on set, we might never get that location again and we lose millions of dollars. There’s just so much at stake.
When it came time to choose a travel partner, that’s why we chose JetSet. They have been such a massive help getting our cast from New York to LA and back and with all the crazy things that happen during production. They’ve been there the whole time.’
“It was great being part of this project. It’s a great example of the value of private aviation,” says JetSet Group CEO Steve Orfali.