In a continuation of our “Elevator Pitch” series, Anthony Tivnan, president of Magellan Jets gives you his best quick sales pitch. Next year, Magellan Jets turns 10 showing it has staying power among the ever increasing number of brokers who sell jet cards. The company does a good job balancing the hard sell which sometimes accompanies private aviation with a very good website where it regularly posts white papers about various elements of private aviation. There are also pilot and passenger reviews of various jet types. The company offers a variety of jet cards and enables you to customize your own jet card on its website.
The “design your own jet” is a very interesting feature. In choosing how many hours, it shows you some benefits from purchasing larger amounts. For example, if you buy 100 hours on Gulfstream G200 instead of 50, they eliminate per-leg minimums, very valuable if you have a lot of short hops. Move up to 200 hours and you get a 5% discount on legs over 4.5 hours. On the next page, you choose one of four offers, from an 18-month base rate and fuel lock to a 50% discount on peak day surcharges, a 25% fuel rate discount or have your daily minimum lowered to 1.5 hours. It goes on like that for another page and then you get to pay if you want for options like guaranteed WiFi. It might be even more interesting if after choosing one of four offers, you could then buy the any of the remaining three you wanted to like the page offering WiFi.
Magellan’s lead time for reservations is eight hours, one of the best on offer, and there are only 21 peak days in the programs, however, lead time for peak day reservations is seven days, so you will need to be able to make a plan and stick to it if you do a lot of peak day flying.
Read Tivnan’s Elevator Pitch here.