Referrals and recommendations from friends are usually the number one way customers choose a private jet company (although we also like to recommend a subscription to Private Jet Card Comparisons since your friends may have different flying needs). Using the power of third-party endorsements, Omaha-based Jet Linx has launched a series of Youtube-based customer testimonial videos on its website.
Jet Linx markets itself as “Your Personal Jet Company” and only sells jet cards in 14 U.S. markets where it manages aircraft (the main inventory for its jet card flight hours) and where it also operates private lounges. For its customers in those markets, instead of going to an FBO they go to the Jet Linx terminal, which includes hangar space for the private jets it manages. There is a valet drop-off and customers get their cars detailed while they are away. An open bar is stocked with the favorite spirits and wines of the jet card and management customers scheduled to fly that day. With minimal traffic, the environment channels the theme song from the TV show, Cheers, with the bar, “where everybody knows your name.”
Among the testimonials, one customer, DB Wilkins, says, “I like the variety of aircraft and the upgrades. We don’t usually call for a super big plane very often, but when we’ve had them it’s a real treat.” He goes on to add, as a Cubs fan, “We decided very late to go to Game 7 (of the 2016 World Series). We called at midnight (the night before) and they got us there and back seamless.”
Hill Feinberg, Chairman and CEO of First Southwest Co., said in a separate video testimonial, “The one thing that makes Jet Linx different to me is the personal touch. I was not looking for the last hundred dollars per hour. What I was really looking for is service and what I found is (Jet Linx) listens and accommodates my needs.” Feinberg says he likes that JetLinx manages and performs the maintenance itself on the aircraft it sells jet card hours aboard. He added he has already recommended the company to “five or six” other people.
Indianapolis-based private investor and retired healthcare executive Mike Smith (below) who is involved in business nationwide, says, “We like a culture of service that is very personal. When I put my children and grandchildren on a Jet Linx plane it’s a very personal decision.”
Former Ameritrade CFO in the series said, “People don’t take enough stock in how much it costs you to have your executives sitting on a commercial aircraft not being able to do anything, and when they get home at eleven o’clock at night, they’re exhausted.” He added, “It feels like they’re taking more care of us than just calling an 800 number and reserving a plane.”