From big players such as Warren Buffett’s NetJets, the largest operator of private jets in the world, to boutique brokers, the number of companies selling Jet Cards has grown more than 100% in the past decade.
In the past 10 years the number of companies selling jet cards has more than doubled. Perhaps that’s because once you find a program that fits your unique flying needs, jet cards make private flying easy – as little as one phone call or tapping your app. Private Jet Card Comparisons provides detailed comparisons of more than 250 jet card programs by over 65 variables, each of which may influence the offering that is best for you.
There are no fees or charges for companies to be included, however, they need to fill out our comparison spreadsheets detailing everything from company history, CEO and ownership structure to standards for sourcing aircraft and pilots, rates, fees, discounts and surcharges, plus features such as WiFi, Peak Days, ability to upgrade and downgrade, guaranteed availability, service recovery and other key considerations.
If you are wondering why the likes of JetSmarter and Surf Air are not included, it is because they are mainly focused on selling private aircraft on a by the seat basis through memberships, instead of providing full aircraft usage on a program basis, which is what jet cards do.