The percentage of Private Jet Card Comparisons’ subscribers looking to buy at least 75 hours of private jet flight time has doubled during the past month. During the past four weeks, 22% of subscribers using the buyer’s guides’ JET CARD DECIDER service sought 75 hours or more of jet card time, compared to 11% over the previous two months.
Private Jet Card Comparisons doesn’t release data about specific subscribers. However, the profile of high-volume requests was from companies. Those businesses are planning to increase the use of private aviation as they again hit the road – and the skies. In some cases, the companies already owned a private aircraft but needed additional lift.
Overall, the average number of flight hours subscribers project to use during the next 12 months increased 24%. Projected flight hours jumped from 42.2 to 52.4 hours.
In terms of the requests:
Based on jet card rates in the Private Jet Card Comparisons database, the requests total $54 million in possible jet card purchases since mid-February. About one-third of subscribers use the DECIDER service.
Private Jet Card Comparisons’ JET CARD DECIDER service enables paid subscribers to request a custom analysis. The analysis pinpoints the solutions, providers, and specific programs that best fit their flying needs. The service is available without additional cost and is included in the annual $250 subscription fee.
JET CARD DECIDER is in addition to the recently introduced PREMIUM CONTENT. For paid subscribers only, each article can save subscribers thousands of dollars on a single flight.