Alliance Aviation is the latest jet card seller to hike the hourly prices on its fixed-rate programs. The move comes as private aviation is seeing record demand.
Beginning next month, Alliance hourly rates on light jets will rise to $6,495, plus FET, from $5,495. Midsize jets go from $6,750 per hour to $7,650, while super mids increase from $7,985 to $8,895. Alliance offers two large cabin programs. For its 10-seat Challenger 604 focus offering, the hourly rate goes to $9,695 from $9,095. There’s no increase on the 14-seat Gulfstream GIVSP offering, which stays at $10,895 per hour.
Launched two years ago by former Dumont executives Kevin Wargo, Amber Martin and Christopher Tasca, Alliance, which includes a sister Part 135 operator, has expanded to over 130 employees. It has sold over 10,000 flight hours on its jet card program.
The current fleet includes one Global Express, eight GIVSPs, three Challenger 604s, and five Hawker 800XPs.
In addition to the rate increase, Alliance is adding surcharges at high-density airports. It follows a number of other jet card providers who have been increasing rates in recent months.
According to Argus, June was the busiest month for U.S. private flights since October 2007. WingX reports July 4th holiday private jet traffic was up 44% compared to 2019 pre-pandemic levels.