Bombardier has delivered its 1,000th aircraft in the Global series. It is the first of 20 Global 7500s that will join the NetJets fleet.
With a 7,700 nautical miles range, NetJets fractional shareowners can fly from New York to Beijing or San Francisco to Sydney without refueling stops.
The cabin is eight feet wide and nearly 60 feet long with a cabin height of over six feet. There are four distinct cabin zones. Circadian lighting and air purification systems help combat jet lag. High-speed WiFi keeps you connected.
The Global 7500 can seat 14 and includes a full-size bed in the Master Suite.
“We take pride in operating one of the industry’s most advanced fleets, and we are delighted to accept our first Global 7500 aircraft today. The Global 7500 aircraft adds a new dimension to our long-range aircraft offerings,” said NetJets’ President Patrick Gallagher.
He continued, “At a time when demand for our aircraft is at its highest, our strategy is focused on continuing to deliver solutions that meet our Owners’ needs and expectations. We anticipate our owners will appreciate the added value the aircraft brings and know they will be thrilled to experience flight in the Global 7500 business jet.”
Éric Martel, CEO and President, Bombardier, added, “The incomparable Global 7500 business jet will now delight NetJets Owners not only with its industry-leading range, but also by its unique Nuage seat, Soleil lighting system, and four true living spaces. We are proud that our 1,000th Global aircraft delivery represents the first Global 7500 aircraft to join the NetJets fleet.”
The ultra-long-haul jet aircraft boasts the first Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for a business jet. The independently verified EPD details information about the aircraft’s environmental footprint throughout its lifecycle. It thus plays an important role in the pledge both companies have made to support environmental sustainability.
A PricewaterhouseCoopers study of the economic footprint of the Global 7500 aircraft in Québec, Ontario, and Canada shows the impact. Between 2010 and 2019, the program development contributed and facilitated a total economic footprint of $4.8 billion in GDP. It created an annual average of 3,386 full-time equivalent jobs.
Bombardier is expected to contribute and facilitate $2.0 billion in GDP per year to the Canadian economy. It is responsible for an average of 8,456 jobs.
As of November, NetJets was operating 14 Global 5000s and 29 Global 6000s.
Its large cabin fleet includes 27 Challenger 650s, 15 Falcon 2000EXs, and 14 Gulfstream G450s.
The Globals have never been part of the NetJets jet card program, which is currently on a waitlist.
In Octboer, NetJets placed a new order for 100 Embraer Phenom 300Es.
Last month, the world’s largest private jet operator said it was returning to China via an investment in Amber Aviation. That includes transferring 20 jets to the Sino operator.