2022 Private Jet Flights by State

Florida holds its top spot as busiest state with 389,482 private jet flights, as Texas, California, Colorado, and Georgia hold their top five spots.

By Doug Gollan, February 3, 2023

Florida was the busiest U.S. state for private aviation flights, with 389,482 departures in 2022. That’s a 2.8% increase over 2021.

Behind it, Texas, California, Colorado, and Georgia held their places in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th place spots.

There were only three states that moved more than two spots from last year:

  • Alaska climbed from 33rd to 28th place.
  • Mississippi moved from 42nd to 39th place
  • Wyoming fell to the 42nd from the 39th spot

Growth was, of course, more tempered.

Last year every state saw a gain, with growth ranging from 21%-to-96%.

This year, six states and one region (the District of Columbia, which includes DCA and IAD numbers) declined compared to 2021.

Only eight states saw double-digit growth.

2022 Private Aviation Flights By State (departures)

2022 Rank – State – 2021 Rank 2021 2022 %Share %Change
1. Florida (1)                378,767               389,482 12.0% 2.8%
2. Texas (2)                305,086               320,888 9.9% 5.2%
3. California (3)                293,862                296,990 9.2% 1.1%
4. Colorado (4)                118,489                118,565 3.7% 0.1%
5. Georgia (5)                107,457                116,049 3.6% 8.0%
6. New Jersey (7)                   93,260                105,659 3.3% 13.3%
7. North Carolina (8)                   90,804                   98,516 3.0% 8.5%
8. New York (6)                100,113                   94,418 2.9% -5.7%
9. Tennessee (10)                   77,375                   87,221 2.7% 12.7%
10. Arizona (9)                   84,024                   84,342 2.6% 0.4%
11. Illinois (11)                   77,307                   80,423 2.5% 4.0%
12. Ohio (12)                   73,132                   75,951 2.3% 3.9%
13. Pennsylvania (14)                   61,391                   66,250 2.0% 7.9%
14. Michigan (13)                   61,528                   64,873 2.0% 5.4%
15. South Carolina (15)                   60,537                   64,041 2.0% 5.8%
16. Massachusetts (16)                   58,721                   63,286 2.0% 7.8%
17. Nevada (17)                   56,363                   60,262 1.9% 6.9%
18. Missouri (18)                   55,469                   59,696 1.8% 7.6%
19. Alabama (19)                   46,043                   51,044 1.6% 10.9%
20. Indiana (20)                   45,078                   49,411 1.5% 9.6%
21. Wisconsin (21)                   44,513                   46,022 1.4% 3.4%
22. Minnesota (22)                   43,171                   45,064 1.4% 4.4%
23. Virginia (23)                   42,237                   45,062 1.4% 6.7%
24. Washington (24)                   40,823                   43,919 1.4% 7.6%
25. Louisiana (27)                   38,053                   43,119 1.3% 13.3%
26. Kansas (25)                   40,699                   42,033 1.3% 3.3%
27. Utah (26)                   39,943                   41,980 1.3% 5.1%
28. Alaska (33)                   31,508                   40,707 1.3% 29.2%
29. Arkansas (28)                   36,481                   38,565 1.2% 5.7%
30. Oklahoma (29)                   35,348                   37,523 1.2% 6.2%
31. New Mexico (30)                   35,210                   34,748 1.1% -1.3%
32. Montana (31)                   34,905                   34,496 1.1% -1.2%
33. Oregon (32)                   35,348                   33,500 1.0% -5.2%
34. Idaho (34)                   31,190                   33,136 1.0% 6.2%
35. Nebraska (35)                   30,773                   32,594 1.0% 5.9%
36. Maryland (37)                   26,687                   31,644 1.0% 18.6%
37. Kentucky (38)                   26,004                   28,387 0.9% 9.2%
38. South Dakota (36)                   27,170                   27,427 0.8% 0.9%
39. Mississippi (42)                   23,970                   27,202 0.8% 13.5%
40. Iowa (40)                   24,760                   25,978 0.8% 4.9%
41. Hawaii (41)                   24,585                   24,747 0.8% 0.7%
42. Wyoming (39)                   25,453                   24,102 0.7% -5.3%
43. DC – IAD/DCA (43)                   23,162                   23,064 0.7% -0.4%
44. North Dakota (44)                   15,761                   17,028 0.5% 8.0%
45. Connecticut (45)                   15,000                   15,859 0.5% 5.7%
46. Maine (46)                   13,798                   15,008 0.5% 8.8%
47. New Hampshire (47)                   11,859                   12,710 0.4% 7.2%
48. West Virginia (48)                   11,233                   11,455 0.4% 2.0%
49. Rhode Island (49)                     6,147                     6,275 0.2% 2.1%
50. Delaware (50)                     5,410                     5,288 0.2% -2.3%
51. Vermont (51)                     5,096                     4,736 0.1% 22.0%
Source: Argus TraqPak

Alaska had the biggest growth in 2022, up 29.2%.

Vermont (+22.0%), Maryland (+18.6%), Mississippi (+13.5%), Louisiana (+13.3%), New Jersey (+13.3%), Tennessee (+12.7%), and Alabama (+10.9%) each saw double-digit growth in private aviation flights.

3 states account for 31% of private aviation flights

The big three states – Florida, Texas, and California – continue to play an outsized role for private jet flyers. The trio account for 31.1% of all U.S. activity.

Texas saw 5.2% growth. California private aviation departures were up 1.1%.

Editor’s Note: An earlier version has been updated with corrections.

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