Private Jet Owner interest in Sustainable Aviation Fuel jumps 76%

More private jet owners and operators are seriously considering the use of Sustainable Aviation Fuel, or SAF, according to the latest JetNet IQ report.

By Doug Gollan, September 23, 2023

More private jet owners and operators are seriously considering the use of Sustainable Aviation Fuel, or SAF, according to the latest JetNet IQ report

Sustainable Aviation Fuel, or SAF as it is known, is seeing a surge of interest from private jet owners and operators.

Just over 54% of respondents to the JetNet IQ quarterly survey of private jet owners and operators said they Strongly/Somewhat Agree with the statement, “I/we will seriously consider flying with Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) in the next 24 months.”

That marks a 76% increase from the 31% who answered similarly to the survey back in 2019.

The percentage of respondents who said they Strongly Agree tripled from just 7% to 21%.

At the same time, the percentage most adamant about not using SAF dropped from 40% to 24%.

The cost of SAF is higher than regular jet fuel.

Source: JetNet IQ

According to the researchers, “While the business aviation industry continues to work towards a Net Zero Carbon future, we have detected important progress in customers’ purchase consideration of Sustainable Aviation Fuel over the last several years.”

They continued, “Growing customer awareness of the essential role that SAF will play in supporting the industry’s goals of a Net Zero future is no doubt a contributor to these encouraging indications.”

Just over 30% of Private Jet Card Comparisons’ subscribers said sustainability programs, either offsets or SAF, will be important the next time they need to choose a program to join, according to the soon-to-be-released 2023/24 Jet Card Report by Private Jet Comparisons.

It was the first time the question was asked in the annual survey.

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