Private Jet Card Comparisons debuts gift subscriptions in time for the holidays

By Doug Gollan, December 3, 2021

A gift subscription to Private Jet Card Comparisons is an affordable way to help your favorite people choose the best private jet solution fast

Independent buyer’s guide Private Jet Card Comparisons has debuted Gift Subscriptions in time for the holidays. The announcement comes as private jet travel reaches record levels.

Driven by poor airline service, less convenient connections, and Covid avoidance, jet card, fractional, and charter flights during Thanksgiving week were 43% above 2019 levels, according to Wing-X.

Gift subscriptions

“More people than ever are looking into private aviation and programs are changing daily as they restructure based on the record demand. Since June, 45 of the over 60 providers in our database have made changes to their programs. A subscription to Private Jet Card Comparisons saves days of research and enables users to quickly identify the providers and specific programs that best suit their needs,” said Doug Gollan, the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Private Jet Card Comparisons.

Subscribers can compare providers by:

• Safety – Aircraft and Operator Sourcing Standards, and Pilot Experience
• Pricing – Purchase Price, Hourly Rates, and Pricing Methodology
• Flexibility – Lead time for Reservations and Cancellations, Applicable Aircraft, Seating Capacity, and Service Area
• Stability – Ownership, Company History, Headcount, Refund Options, and Escrow Account Options
• Aircraft Type – NEW – Search by Cabin Category or Specific Aircraft Type, including the ability to upgrade or downgrade based on your needs for that trip
• Details That Matter – Insurance, WiFi, Pets Policies, Service Recovery, Initiation Fees, Annual and Monthly Dues, CPI Escalators, Fuel Surcharges, De-icing, and Peak Day Charges, Taxi Time, Segment, and Daily Minimums, Roundtrip Discounts
• Carbon Offsetting and Cryptocurrency acceptance
• And much more…

The 12-month subscription includes:

• Compare apples to apple pricing in seconds with our QUICK COMPARE FLIGHT PRICING tool that factors in charges for deicing, taxi time, daily and segment minimums, peak day surcharges, fuel surcharges FET, and membership fees based on your annual flight hours
• As a paid subscriber, you will have 12 months’ access on your computer to our Excel-based comparing tool with over 250 programs that you can copy and download for personal use, enabling you to identify the jet cards that meet your needs
• You can compare over 65 variables to find out which programs best fit your flying patterns
• Find the programs that match your flying needs in minutes
• Protect your privacy. We don’t sell or market your contact information to third parties
• Independent perspective. We don’t accept referral fees or payments from jet card providers
• Receive a 1-on-1 PERSONAL CONSULTATION with Doug Gollan to analyze your flying needs
• Our online VIP Service JET CARD DECIDER 2.0 tool helps you decide whether a jet card makes sense for you and which programs best fit your needs. Just answer a few questions about your flying needs, and we’ll do the work, providing you customized recommendations based on your travel patterns within 3 business days
• Our BEST PRIVATE JET BROKERS GUIDE, including third-party ratings and certifications
GUIDE TO SHARED PRIVATE JET SERVICES outlining providers of by-the-seat and crowdsourced private flights
FAST NEWS RECAP gives you the last 100 news posts from Private Jet Card Comparisons in a quick-read format
PREMIUM CONTENT for paid subscribers provides exclusive analysis and insights that can save thousands of dollars on a single flight!, including 5 common mistakes when buying a jet card, Complicated Skies: Tips for buying a jet card in an era of change, 7 things you can negotiate when buying a jet card, A-to-Z recent jet card changes by company, 18 jet cards with no peak day surcharges, These jet cards include deicing in their price, Switching jet cards? Here’s what you should consider, and more!

A subscription costs just $250 and is good for 12 months. Subscriptions can be easily gifted by checking a box during the checkout process.

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