Private jet membership providers Manifest and Linear Air have been added to the comparisons database of Private Jet Card Comparisons.
Manifest and Linear Air private jet memberships have been added to the Private Jet Card Comparisons database of jet cards, memberships, and fractional programs.
The comparisons database of Private Jet Card Comparisons now includes over 80 providers and more than 875 program options.
Additionally, our jet-sharing and by-the-seat guide includes more than a dozen shared private flight options.
Manifest’s new program features guaranteed availability and fixed-hourly rates.
Linear Air’s Platinum membership offers dynamic pricing with a 5% discount and preferred cancelation terms.
Paid subscribers can compare jet card and membership options by more than 65 variables.
Subscribers can also request a custom analysis. The analysis identifies providers and specific programs that best fit their needs saving days and hours of research time.