Private Jet Flight Activity Analysis – 2023 – Week 21

Global private jet flight activity continues to slide as supply chain issues continue to stymie operators and OEMs.

By Doug Gollan, June 1, 2023

Global private jet flight activity dropped 4% from the prior Week, with 69,029 flights, and 9% from Week 21 in 2022.

Over the trailing month, there were 280,007 private jet flights, a 7% decline year-over-year.

Still, during EBACE in Geneva, executives said supply chain issues continue to havoc operations.

Activity continues to slip

The U.S. saw a 9% week-to-week dip with 46,537 flights, 11% below 2022.

The 196,940 flights for the four weeks ending May 28, 2023, represented an 8% decline from 2022.

With 13,181 flights, Europe increased 14% week-to-week but was still 11% below last year.

There were 46,341 flights in Europe over the trailing month, 10% down from 2022.

Total – Private Jet Flight Activity Analysis – 2023 – Week 21

Market Week 21 %Change vs. prior week %Change vs. 2022 (dates) %Change vs. prior Week Week 52 -Week high Week Last 4 Weeks %Change vs. 2022
Global 69,029 -4% -9% 78,503 W25 2022 57,233 W51 2022 280,007 -7%
North America 50,631 -8% -10% 58838 W41 2022 43,691 W51 2022 213,532 -8%
USA 46,537 -9% -11% 55070 W41 2022 38,832 W51 2022 196,940 -8%
Florida 5,865 -7% -12% 9,174 W8 2023 3,744 W39 2022 26,154 -10%
California 4,612 -2% -11% 5512 W46 2022 4,066 W51 2022 19,129 -10%
Texas 4,753 -7% -10% 5,797 W43 2022 3,730 W5 2023 19,683 -10%
Europe 13,181 14% -11% 17,608 W26 2022 6,648 W52 2022 46,341 -10%
UK 1,831 21% -16% 2,336 W26 2022 982 W52 2022 6,233 -11%
Germany 1,561 20% 5% 1,915 W26 2022 651 W52 2022 5,550 -13%
France 2,356 33% -10% 3,032 W21 2022 1,011 W52 2022 7,340 -8%
Switzerland 890 29% -28% 1,209 W21 2022 549 W47 2022 2,850 -18%
Italy 1,442 -2% -7% 2,357 W28 2022 511 W52 2022 5,194 -1%
Middle East 1,268 -4% -2% 2,173 W50 2022 984 W52 2022 5,241 -5%
Africa 945 17% 14% 987 W17 2023 622 W2 2023 3,489 10%
Asia 2,319 4% 28% 3,269 W50 2022 1,786 W32 2022 8,925 10%
South America 1,375 -4% 9% 1,490 W6 2023 1,006 W29 2022 5,425 14%
Source: WingX for Private Jet Card Comparisons. Includes Jets and VIP Airliners.

Charter and Fractional Operators flew 35,108 flights worldwide, a 3% week-to-week dip, putting them 14% below 2022’s pace.

The 141,771 flights over the last four weeks were 11% below the previous year’s period.

The U.S. charter and fractional flights were down 9% week-to-week with 23,915.

Over the trailing four weeks, there were 101,194 flights, a 10% drop from last year.

Part 135/91K – Private Jet Flight Activity Analysis – 2023 – Week 21

Market (Part 91K & Part135) Week 21 %Change. vs 2022 %Change vs. prior Week 52- Week High Week %Change. vs. 2022 Week Last 4 Weeks (Flights) %Change vs. 2022
Global 35,108 -3% -14% 41,552 W25 2022 31,174 W51 2022 141,771 -11%
North America 25,155 -8% -13% 30,412 W52 2022 22,967 W35 2022 106,086 -9%
USA 23,915 -9% -13% 29,057 W41 2022 21,948 W35 2022 101,194 -10%
Florida 3,251 -9% -12% 5,792 W52 2022 2,024 W39 2022 14,163 -12%
California 2,773 4% -14% 3,410 W46 2022 2,635 W51 2022 11,426 -13%
Texas 1,950 -9% -11% 2,494 W42 2022 1,644 W27 2022 8,065 -12%
Europe 9,199 13% -19% 12,962 W27 2022 4,995 W52 2022 32,536 -15%
UK 1,325 23% -22% 1,772 W26 2022 735 W2 2023 4,414 -18%
Germany 1,050 16% -4% 1,295 W25 2022 516 W52 2022 3,781 -15%
France 1,666 30% -20% 2,401 W21 2022 764 W52 2022 5,281 -14%
Switzerland 636 37% -28% 868 W21 2022 415 W47 2022 2,002 -22%
Italy 1,080 -4% -11% 1,855 W28 2022 389 W52 2022 3,973 -4%
Middle East 572 -12% -16% 1,075 W50 2022 512 W52 2022 2,525 -14%
Africa 214 9% -13% 341 W17 2023 160 W35 2022 950 -4%
Asia 496 1% 14% 1,015 W50 2022 407 W30 2022 2,018 -5%
South America 24 -14% 9% 83 W45 2022 13 W24 2022 98 -16%
Source: WingX for Private Jet Card Comparisons. Includes Jets and VIP Airliners.

Even though European charter and fractional activity were 13% higher than the previous Week, with 9,199 flights, they were 19% under 2022.

In Switzerland, where protesters infiltrated the static display at EBACE, charter, and fractional flights were 28% under last year’s levels.

Flights were 22% under last year for the past month.

Rodo, the stuffed rodent (pictured in header), didn’t help as he left the country on a Swiss commercial airline flight.

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