After learning about Homes For Our Troops through Sentient Jet’s sponsorship of Combatant at the Kentucky Derby, I thought, wow what a great cause: “To build and donate specially adapted custom homes nationwide for severely injured post-9/11 Veterans, to enable them to rebuild their lives.” I did write up a short piece for this website, and then of course, did nothing else.
Luckily, earlier today, a press release hit my inbox that Sentient was extending its promotion of Homes For Our Troops, so after posting a follow-up I made a $1,000 donation, and then I thought what else can I do?
I had been planning to promote subscriptions to Private Jet Card Comparisons for Father’s Day, coming up on June 19th, so I figured what better way to do that than by donating $50 for each paid subscription through dad’s day to Homes For Our Troops. When you look at the map of the good work Homes For Our Troops is doing, it spans from Alaska to Miami.
Homes For Our Troops builds four-bedroom, two-bath, specially adapted energy efficient homes of approximately 2,650 square feet. We think this provides the right size home for a Veteran to comfortably raise a family while limiting expenses for utilities. This is key to restoring some of the freedom and independence our Veterans sacrificed defending our country.
Homes For Our Troops has built over 250 homes and there are more than 90 Veteran home building projects underway nationwide. Since inception in 2004, nearly 90 cents of every $1 has gone directly toward our program.
For each subscription to Private Jet Card Comparisons you buy to Homes For Our Troops, we’ll donate $50 to Homes For Our Troops through June 19, 2019.
Private Jet Card Comparisons access is for personal use, but we think it might be fun for you and your favorite dad to get some bonding time figuring out which jet card is best for your family’s flying needs. After all, we compare 39 providers and 296 programs by 65 + variables. You can learn more here. After you pay and we process your subscription, send us an email with dad’s name and email address. On Sunday, June 19th we’ll email pops his gift subscription copying you in so both of you can spend some quality time picking the right program.
You get two subscriptions for the price of one – a $500 value for $250, and best of all $50 goes to Homes For Our Troops.
Any questions, email me at privatejetcardcomparisons@gmail.com