Cessna Citation CJ3 and CJ3+

Cessna Citation CJ3 and CJ3+ profile, including current pricing, manufacturing dates, cabin size and passenger capacity, range, speed, baggage space, fractional ownership and jet card options.

The Cessna Citation CJ3 and CJ3+ are light jets designed and manufactured by Textron Aviation.

The Citation CJ3 and CJ3+ are powered by two Williams FJ44-3A turbofan engines, which provide a maximum cruise speed of 416 knots (479 mph).

It is featured in the fractional and jet card fleets of FlyExclusive and Nicholas Air.

Manufacturing Dates

Production Start:


Production Ends:


Cabin Category

Light Cabin

Cabin Size & Passengers


4.75 Feet


4.83 Feet


15.67 Feet

Seating Capacity

Up to 8


1,374 nautical miles


High-Speed Cruise:

Mach 417

Long-Range Cruise:

Mach 348

Max Operating Speed:

Mach 417


Fractional Ownership:


Dedicated Jet Card:



A new Cessna Citation CJ3 and CJ3+ is listed at $11 million

What is the Cessna Citation CJ3 and CJ3+?

The Citation CJ3+ (from 2015 and ongoing) follows the Citation CJ3 (2004 to 2015), CJ2+ (2005 to 2015), CJ2 (2000 to 2006), CJ1+ (2000 to 2011), and CJ1 (2000 to 2005).

There are over 100 Citation CJ3+ types and more than 400 CJ3 private jets currently in service, according to Amstat. Additionally, there are over 460 CJ2/CJ2+ models and nearly CJ1/CJ1+ jets in service.

Plane & Pilot writes, “The story of the CJ3+ starts long before the Mustang, back in 1993, with the delivery of the first Cessna Citation Jet—the original CJ. In 2000, Cessna delivered the first CJ1, which added another 200 pounds of useful payload, and the CJ2, which stretched both the fuselage and the range. At the same time, Cessna made the move to the Collins avionics package. In 2004, Cessna announced both the CJ1+ and the CJ2+ with the addition of FADEC controls on the engines and the new Collins Pro-Line 21 avionics package. Recognizing the demand for even more room and range, Cessna also rolled out the first CJ3 in that same year.”


What are the cabin dimensions of the Cessna Citation CJ3 and CJ3+?

The CJ3 series has a cabin height of 4.75 feet, a width of 4.83 feet, and a length of 15.67 feet. The Citation CJ3 and CJ3+ can accommodate up to nine passengers up to eight passengers. A fully enclosed lavatory is located at the rear of the cabin.

What is the range of a Cessna Citation CJ3 and CJ3+?

The range for the CJ3+ is around 1,374 nautical miles.

How much does a Cessna Citation CJ3 and CJ3+ cost?

On the used market, used CJ3+ models can be found starting at $6.2 million, while the CJ variety start at around $3 million. The price for a new CJ3+ is around $12 million.


Cessna Citation CJ3 and CJ3+ reviews

With the CJ3, Cessna got it right...Some 1,200 hours of CJ3 flying later, I can tell you that the airplane is more than attractive. It is amazing. If you put a gun to my head, I wouldn’t have been able to tell you how to improve it.

Dick Karl


With the CJ3, Cessna got it right.” So I was told when I embarked on a life of flying this attractive airplane. Some 1,200 hours of CJ3 flying later, I can tell you that the airplane is more than attractive. It is amazing. If you put a gun to my head, I wouldn’t have been able to tell you how to improve it.

John Hayes

Plane & Pilot

The Citation CJ3+ is the updated version of the CJ3, which was first produced in 2004. The most notable upgrades are in the cabin as well as new avionics. The CJ3 proved popular, with more than 400 aircraft being delivered. As an update of this, it is easy to see that the CJ3+ will be a success for Cessna.

Al Whyte

Corporate Jet Investor

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