After adding two new Phenom 300Es last June, Nicholas Air has added two more private jets, with plans to add more. The new aircraft include another Phenom 300E and a Citation Latitude.
“We’ve said since the middle of last year that the demand for our program was going to remain very high in part because word of our quality standards and customer service experience has gotten out. The most refined set of private flyers fly with Nicholas Air, and as those flyers moved from other providers to Nicholas Air in large volume, the aircraft purchases needed to follow,” CEO and founder N.J. Correnti tells Private Jet Card Comparisons.
In 2020, Nicholas Air saw a 62% revenue jump, and while funds deposited in its jet card programs never expire, flight hours increased 45%.
Correnti added, “These airframes, the Phenom 300E and the Citation Latitude, are the most popular in the fleet by demand, so it’s a natural fit that we continue to buy them. We consult with our customers on plane acquisitions and listen to their needs and requests as part of our decision-making process.”
The additions give it 25 aircraft in its Part 135 fleet and another dozen managed for owners under Part 91.
Nicholas Air offers a variety of jet cards, including a pay-as-you-go option.