New research reveals the latest private aviation trends

From jet cards and memberships to fractional ownership, on-demand charter, and shared private jets, the 200 + page report is based on research directly from private aviation users.

By Doug Gollan, December 16, 2022

From jet cards and memberships to fractional ownership, on-demand charter, and shared private jets, the 200 + page report is based on research directly from private aviation users

New research directly from private aviation users being released next week shows nearly all flyers who started using private aviation since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic plan to keep flying privately.

The 200 + page report covers what users were looking for while in the buying process, from aircraft types to policies and amenities. It also tracks how much they spent, future flying needs, companies they considered, and who they ended up buying from, as well as satisfaction with current providers. There is also segmentation on jet sharing and, as industry consolidation continues, openness to working with boutique providers, plus much more.

Private jet user research

According to The Jet Card Report 2022/23 by Private Jet Card Comparisons, highlights include that 94% of new private jet flyers since the start of the pandemic in March 2020 say they will continue to use private aviation in the future.

However, as the cost of flying privately rises, there was a significant drop in how frequently these new private aviation consumers say they plan to fly privately from last year’s survey.

– 94.4% of respondents plan to continue using private aviation post-Covid in the 2022 survey
– The percentage of new, since Covid flyers who say they will continue to use private aviation regularly dropped from 57.1% in 2021 to 39.9% this year
– At the same time, those new private flyers who say they will fly privately occasionally post-pandemic increased to 54.5% from 42.9% last year
– Only 5.6% of respondents said they have or will likely stop flying privately in a post-Covid world, although that was up from 0% in 2021

Newcomers – How do you expect your private flying to change after post-Covid? 

I started/re-started private aviation during Covid and will likely continue to fly privately regularly after the pandemic is over39.9%57.1%
I started/re-started private aviation use during Covid and will likely fly privately once in a while after the pandemic is over54.5%42.9%
I started/re-started private aviation during Covid, but will likely stop private flying after the pandemic is over5.6%0.0%
Source: The Jet Card Report by Private Jet Card Comparisons

More good news for the industry comes from private flyers who had used business aviation before the pandemic.

– 59.6% of existing private aviation users expect to continue to fly privately at the same level as prior to the pandemic
– 28.5% of existing private aviation users expect to fly privately more than before the pandemic, compared to 11.9% who expect their private flights to decrease

Existing Flyers – How do you expect your private flying to change post-Covid?

I was flying privately immediately before COVID and will likely continue to use private aviation for similar trips after the pandemic is over.59.6%65.1%
I was flying privately immediately before COVID and will likely increase the % of my flights using private aviation after the pandemic is over28.5%31.9%
I was flying privately immediately before COVID, but will likely decrease the % of my flights using private aviation after the pandemic is over11.9%3.0%
Source: The Jet Card Report by Private Jet Card Comparisons

However, it’s not all clear skies.

While 54.3% of respondents cited airline delays and airport chaos as pushing them to fly privately more often, 43.9% of those surveyed experienced delays, cancelations, and service lapses from their private aviation providers during the past year, a 108.1% increase from 2021 when private jet travel rose to record levels.

Have you experienced delays, cancelations, or service issues in the past year?

 20222021% Change
I haven’t flown privately in recent monthsNA9.8%NA
Source: The Jet Card Report by Private Jet Card Comparisons

The result is more than half (50.7%) are considering changing providers.

The biggest reason for considering a switch is Increased Prices (62.4%), compared to Flight Delays, Changes and Cancelations (33.6%), Overall Customer Service Declining (32.9%), Too Many Peak Days/Blackout Days (29.2%), Fuel Surcharges (25.6%), Poor Communication When Something Goes Wrong and Longer Lead Time To Book Flights (both 20.8%).

Which factors are most impacting your decision to seek another provider?

 AllPre-Covid FlyersNew Flyers
Increased Prices62.4%63.2%61.4%
Flight Delays, Changes, and Cancelations33.6%37.5%30.0%
Overall Customer Service Declining32.9%37.5%29.9%
Too Many Peak Days/Blackout Days29.2%27.1%30.7%
Fuel Surcharges25.6%26.4%27.2%
Poor Communication When Something Goes Wrong20.8%22.2%20.2%
Longer Lead Time To Book Flights20.8%22.9%20.2%
Longer Daily/Segment Minimum Charges16.8%17.4%16.7%
Higher Peak Day Surcharges11.7%11.1%11.9%
Changes To Caribbean/Mexico/Canada/Hawaii Rate Structure9.1%10.4%7.9%
Stricter Cancelation Policies7.3%9.0%4.4%
Reducing/Eliminating Trans-Continental/Long-Flight Discounts4.0%2.8%5.3%
Source: The Jet Card Report by Private Jet Card Comparisons

There were also fewer perks when joining or renewing programs. With record demand, the percentage of respondents who said they were able to negotiate Free Hours (from 31.9% in 2021 to 18.4% in 2022), Rate Locks (from 17.2% in 2021 to 2.0% this year), and Upgrades (16.6% in 2021 to 11.7% in 2021) fell.

 What did you negotiate beyond what was offered?

20222021% Change
Free hours18.4%31.9%-42.3%
Flight Credits12.6%10.2%23.5%
Waived membership fees (if applicable)12.4%9.9%25.3%
Catering Credits8.3%8.9%-6.7%
Short-leg waivers6.5%4.0%62.5%
Destination waivers4.5%2.2%104.5%
Rate lock extension2.0%17.2%-88.4%
Source: The Jet Card Report by Private Jet Card Comparisons

Reflecting increased costs, the average deposits made by Jet Card/Membership buyers increased 35.7% from $213,253 in 2021 to $289,398 in 2022. The percentage of respondents who spent over $400,000 increased from 8.5% to 18.2%.

Airlines and crowded airports are continuing to provide tailwinds for private aviation.

How are airline and airport delays and schedules impacting private aviation use?

 AllPre-Covid FlyersNew FlyersConsidering Private Aviation
I am or will fly privately more because of what’s happening with thwhat’sines54.3%45.9%62.1%62.5%
It hasn’t impacted my use of private aviation aviation45.7%54.1%37.9%37.5%
Source: The Jet Card Report by Private Jet Card Comparisons

The Jet Card Report data is from over 800 submissions of paid subscribers to Private Jet Card Comparisons seeking a custom analysis of options while in the buying process and a subscriber survey with 571 responses. Results have a margin of error of +/- 2% at an 80% confidence level and +/- 3% at a 95% confidence level.

For the full results and the 200 + page report, visit The Jet Card Report by Private Jet Card Comparisons.

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