Airstream Jets cuts rates; wants Mom to fly privately.
Boca Raton-based Airstream Jets is offering discounts and upgrades on its Distance Card jet card for Mother’s Day. It is also cutting flight rates.
The offer is valid through May 17, in case you forget to treat Mom before the holiday.
Buying her a Silver Card will save you $1,000 off the standard $25,000 price.
Gold Card buyers (it costs $100,000) get a $5,000 discount and a free upgrade.
Airstream Jets’ jet card uses mileage instead of the standard hours and minutes to calculate flight pricing.
It offers fixed-one-way pricing across five categories of jets, including the Caribbean, Mexico, and Continental U.S.
“The Distance Card pricing model is revolutionary for its simplicity and flexibility. There is nothing else like it on the market. All other jet cards offer only the hour-based pricing model in some form or another. The level of flexibility and cost transparency the Distance Card provides is unprecedented,” says Airstream’s CEO Peter Maestrales.
Separately, Airstream said it is cutting its rates by $1-$2 per mile. For example, a 1,200-mile flight on a light jet is now $1,200 less.