Compare Aircraft by Size

Compare the detailed specifications of various private jets, focusing on cabin dimensions such as height, width, length, and overall volume.

Which private jets have the most space? Compare by cabin size below:

Aircraft Name Maximum Take-off Weight Cabin Height Cabin Width Cabin Length Cabin Volume
196,210 7 12 114 8,547
187,700 7 12 107 7,290
169,785 7 12 91 6,825
174,200 7 12 99 6,525
168,650 7 12 79 5,843
171,000 7 12 79 5,396
145,504 7 12 71 5,300
120,152 7 9 84 3,914
120,152 7 9 84 3,914
84,500 6 8 81 2,821
Gulfstream G700 107,600 6 8 56 2,603
75,000 6 8 68 2,527
Gulfstream G650 99,600 6 9 54 2,421
103,600 6 9 54 2,421
Bombardier Global 6000 99,500 6 8 48 2,002
Bombardier Global Express XRS 98,000 6 8 48 2,002
Bombardier Global Express 95,000 6 8 48 2,002
53,000 6 8 48 1,964
53,000 6 8 48 1,964
Bombardier Global 5000 92,500 6 8 42 1,889
Gulfstream G550 91,000 6 7 50 1,812
90,500 6 7 50 1,812
Gulfstream G500 79,600 6 8 48 1,714
73,000 6 8 43 1,695
Gulfstream G450 74,600 6 7 45 1,658
74,600 6 7 45 1,658
73,200 6 7 45 1,658
72,000 6 7 45 1,658
70,900 6 7 45 1,658
74,600 6 7 45 1,658
49,604 6 7 50 1,656
53,572 6 7 50 1,656
53,572 6 7 50 1,656
Dassault Aviation Falcon 7X 70,000 6 8 39 1,506
44,092 6 7 42 1,425
69,700 6 7 41 1,306
69,700 6 7 41 1,306
Dassault Aviation Falcon 900 45,500 6 8 33 1,270
45,500 6 8 33 1,270
45,500 6 8 33 1,270
46,700 6 8 33 1,270
49,000 6 8 33 1,270
48,300 6 8 33 1,270
49,000 6 8 33 1,270
69,700 6 7 39 1,221
69,700 6 7 39 1,221
62,000 6 7 39 1,221
62,000 6 7 39 1,221
62,000 6 7 39 1,221
62,000 6 7 39 1,221
Bombardier Challenger 650 48,200 6 8 28 1,146
41,250 6 8 28 1,146
43,100 6 8 28 1,146
43,100 6 8 28 1,146
45,100 6 8 28 1,146
45,100 6 8 28 1,146
48,200 6 8 28 1,146
48,200 6 8 28 1,146
Dassault Aviation Falcon 2000 35,800 6 8 31 1,028
41,000 6 8 31 1,028
42,200 6 8 31 1,028
42,200 6 8 31 1,028
42,800 6 8 31 1,028
42,800 6 8 31 1,028
41,000 6 8 31 1,028
Bombardier Challenger 300 38,850 6 7 24 930
Bombardier Challenger 350 40,600 6 7 24 930
Gulfstream G280 39,600 6 7 32 888
35,450 6 7 25 869
Embraer Legacy 500 38,360 6 7 28 823
39,500 6 6 25 746
Embraer Legacy 450 35,758 6 7 24 705
31,100 6 6 24 634
36,600 6 6 25 593
Cessna Citation Latitude 30,800 6 6 21 587
32,000 6 6 24 587
30,325 6 6 24 587
30,325 6 6 24 587
26,455 6 6 24 587
30,325 6 6 24 587
30,325 6 6 24 587
28,660 6 6 24 587
38,800 6 6 24 587
30,755 6 6 25 585
Cessna Citation Sovereign 30,300 6 6 25 571
Dassault Aviation Falcon 50EX 39,700 6 6 24 569
38,800 6 6 24 569
38,320 6 6 24 569
Beechcraft Hawker 850XP 28,000 6 6 21 551
27,000 6 6 21 551
27,400 6 6 21 551
27,400 6 6 21 551
28,000 6 6 21 551
28,000 6 6 21 551
28,000 6 6 21 551
28,000 6 6 21 551
Cessna Citation X 36,100 6 6 24 538
Gulfstream G150 26,100 6 6 18 521
Pilatus PC-24 17,968 5 6 23 501
Bombardier Learjet 60XR 23,500 6 6 18 447
23,500 6 6 18 447
23,300 6 5 19 444
Cessna Citation XLS 20,200 6 6 19 422
20,000 6 6 19 422
22,000 6 6 18 422
22,000 6 6 18 422
23,000 6 6 18 422
20,200 6 6 19 422
Bombardier Learjet 45XR 21,500 5 5 20 415
Bombardier Learjet 75 21,500 5 5 20 415
20,500 5 5 20 415
21,500 6 6 17 403
21,000 6 6 17 403
12,100 6 6 15 393
12,100 6 6 15 393
11,550 6 6 15 393
20,350 5 5 18 369
21,000 5 5 18 369
21,500 5 5 18 369
Pilatus PC-12 10,450 5 5 17 356
10,450 5 5 17 356
Beechcraft King Air 350 15,000 5 5 19 344
16,500 5 5 19 344
15,000 5 5 19 344
16,500 5 5 20 344
20,172 5 5 19 341
24,000 5 5 19 341
Embraer Phenom 300 17,968 5 5 17 324
17,968 5 5 17 324
16,830 5 5 17 314
16,630 5 5 17 314
16,300 5 5 17 310
15,900 5 5 17 310
Beechcraft Hawker 400XP 16,300 5 5 16 305
Nextant Aerospace 400XTi 16,300 5 5 16 305
16,100 5 5 16 305
16,300 5 5 16 305
16,300 5 5 16 305
24,650 6 5 17 304
24,650 6 5 17 304
12,500 5 5 17 303
12,500 5 5 17 303
12,500 5 5 17 303
14,000 5 5 17 303
12,500 5 5 17 303
11,500 5 5 17 303
11,800 5 5 17 303
12,500 5 5 17 303
12,500 5 5 17 303
12,500 5 5 17 303
12,500 5 5 17 303
12,500 5 5 17 303
22,850 5 5 16 297
23,500 5 5 16 297
19,612 5 5 16 294
14,630 5 5 15 293
15,780 5 5 14 293
17,110 5 5 17 293
14,800 5 5 16 292
14,100 5 5 16 292
15,100 5 5 16 292
14,100 5 5 16 292
15,100 5 5 16 292
Bombardier Learjet 35A 18,300 4 5 13 289
Cessna Citation CJ3 and CJ3+ 13,870 5 5 16 286
13,870 5 5 16 286
12,500 5 6 14 285
12,500 5 6 14 285
15,500 4 5 13 281
17,700 4 5 13 281
17,200 4 5 13 281
16,500 4 5 13 281
15,000 4 5 12 258
12,500 5 5 14 248
12,375 5 5 14 248
11,500 4 5 13 230
11,850 4 5 13 230
18,300 4 5 11 228
18,740 5 5 13 224
18,740 5 5 13 224
13,500 4 5 9 220
13,500 4 5 9 220
9,650 5 5 12 218
10,100 5 5 12 218
10,100 5 5 12 218
10,100 5 5 12 218
10,100 5 5 12 218
10,485 5 5 12 218
10,100 5 5 12 218
10,100 5 5 12 218
10,950 5 5 12 218
10,100 5 5 12 218
10,500 5 5 12 218
Embraer Phenom 100 10,472 5 5 11 212
10,582 5 5 11 212
10,582 5 5 11 212
13,950 4 5 13 210
10,400 5 5 11 205
Cessna Citation M2 10,700 5 5 11 201
10,700 5 5 11 201
10,600 5 5 11 201
Cirrus Vision SF50 6,000 4 5 11 170
8,645 5 5 10 163
Embraer Praetor 600 6 6 27 155
7,394 4 4 10 143
7,394 4 4 10 143
7,394 4 4 10 143
7,394 4 4 10 143
10,470 4 5 8 142
3,000 4 4 11 136
3,050 4 4 11 136
3,050 4 4 11 136
3,000 4 4 11 136
3,400 4 4 11 136
3,600 4 4 11 136
3,600 4 4 11 136
3,400 4 4 11 136
3,600 4 4 11 136
6,000 4 5 8 109
6,000 4 5 8 109
6,000 4 5 8 109
Aerion AS2 6 8 30
Bombardier Global 7500 6 8 55
Bombardier Global 8000 6 8 55
Cessna Citation Longitude 6 6 25
Embraer Praetor 500 6 7 24
Honda Aircraft HA-420 HondaJet 10,600 5 5 12
NetJets Praetor 500

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NetJets Praetor 500

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